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發表於 2017-3-25 23:46:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Brushell BlackmanThe rice industry which has been experiencing less than favourable times may receive a shot in the arm with what appears to be Guyana’s securing of a Columbian rice market.This is even after relations between the two countries were relatively strained,Randal Grichuk Jersey, after Colombia accused Guyana of shipping 1000 tonnes of contaminated paddy to that country early this year. In an invited comment,Tampa Bay Rays Wilson Ramos Jersey, Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud told this newspaper that it has been established that,Cleveland Indians Yan Gomes Jersey, in fact, the contamination of the paddy took place in Colombia and not Guyana. That shipment of paddy was never returned to Guyana,Bud Norris Jersey, an indication that Bogota has accepted that it was not Guyana’s fault.In the meantime Colombia’s Agriculture Minister is currently in Guyana and is in talks with Minister Persaud to finalise a rice deal between the two countries.According to Persaud, the discussions have been fruitful and he is optimistic that a deal will be struck shortly. He said that there needs to be more discussions on a number of issues, chief among them,Kurt Suzuki Jersey, phytosanitary. Persaud indicated that he will be visiting that country shortly with a delegation to engage in more rigid discussions to secure that market.He is confident that in the near future a deal can be realised between the two South American nations.The minister admitted that there is a need to diversify the rice market and not just depend on the traditional European and Caricom markets. He said that he hopes that is not interpreted as a move away from traditional markets.Noting the current global financial crisis,Colorado Rockies Ian Desmond Jersey, Persaud said that it is important as an exporting country, Guyana has more options with regards to where it sells its commodity.He said that such a move is just to put a buffer in place in the event that for unforeseen reasons,Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim Tony Sanchez Jersey, those traditional markets are unable to honour their commitment.Persaud said that there is a golden opportunity for Guyana to tap into markets within South America.Additionally,Omar Vizquel Jersey, he said that discussions are ongoing with Brazil for that country to embark on a hybrid seed production venture in the Rupununi Savannah.He said that the lands have already been earmarked and it is hoped that between 3000 to 5000 acres will come under cultivation when that deal becomes final. However, the Minister could not say how soon this arrangement with Brazil will come to fruition. He said such discussions are technical in nature and there needs to be intense and ongoing discussions that will be satisfactory to both parties.Traditionally,Atlanta Braves Matt Kemp Jersey, the rice industry has been exporting rice to Europe. Some sections of the rice farming community had called for Guyana to end ties with that bloc, since doing business there had become unprofitable.

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