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發表於 2017-3-26 02:58:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Caribbean Commissioners of Police are mulling the idea of a Regional Academy for the collective training of its officers.Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police President,De Aaron Fox Kentucky Jersey, Darwin Dottin of Barbados told the media that coming out of the recent conference, was a proposal to establish a central authority to coordinate training for Police Officers within the region. He said that for quite some time regional security chiefs have felt that training needs to be done on a regional basis.For one,Collin Klein Kansas State Jersey, it will be more cost effective and there are certain economies of scale that can be affected by countries pooling their resources to deal with the issue of training.“We have also been arguing that the police in our region need to have some arrangement,John Wall Kentucky Jersey, call it an academy or centre of excellence,Braylon Edwards Michigan Jersey, around the region,Teddy Bridgewater Louisville Jersey,” Dottin said.According to Dottin, it was recognised that it may not be feasible to establish a single new facility for such a venture but there are centers around the region that can be utilized for this purpose.“Who knows? There may be a particular institution in Guyana that can be used for a particular subject area,Gary Harris Michigan State Jersey, one in Trinidad for another set of skills around the region. But it has to be coordinated. Some persons or some group will write the syllabuses. They have to set standards,Tom Brady Michigan Jersey, they have to do the assessments; they have to do the training needs analysis for the (respective) countries.Intermittently,Kansas Jayhawks Jerseys, policemen from the region would meet in various Caribbean countries for collective training. However this is not done as a policy.In most cases the training is facilitated by agencies from outside the region,DeMarcus Cousins Kentucky Jersey, like the British Scotland Yard and the US Federal Bureau of Investigations.Some Caribbean territories also benefit from bilateral arrangements with these outside agencies.

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