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發表於 2017-3-26 15:31:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Accountant, cashier ‘missing’Some US$500,000 ($100 million) is reportedly missing from the coffers of Muneshwer’s Travel Service and the company suspects two female members of the accounting staff (an accountant and a cashier) attached to the Service.Muneshwer’s is a popular city establishment that has many departments, including hardware, household items and shipping. The fraud involves only the Travel Service.The names of the two staff members have been posted in this newspaper as a paid advertisement with contact numbers to the company and the Brickdam Police Station for information leading to the whereabouts of the two accounts staff.Sources told Kaieteur News that the two staff members were apparently defrauding the Travel Service over an extended period, but the management only realised recently, but they could not immediately ascertain how the funds went missing or who was responsible.The management of the company, on Saturday,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, informed senior Travel Service staff, including the cashier and the accountant, that they were launching an investigation to determine who was defrauding the company and how. It was then that the two workers apparently made their escape plan.The two last worked on Saturday, and they became the prime suspects after they did not report for work on Monday. When the company logged on to the computers of the two workers, it was discovered that crucial data were either deleted or password protected. Management suspects they may have cleaned out the system on Sunday, since they had access to them, as the accounts staff.Sources told Kaieteur News that the Travel agents would usually deposit their payments to the accounts staff.However, it appears that they were stealing the money instead of making the follow on payments to airlines on which the agents would have booked.It was when airlines and others reported outstanding balances to the company that management picked up the missing funds.The company put out the bulletin for information regarding the whereabouts of the two suspects in this massive case of fraud after they did not show for work Monday but sent the keys into the company via taxi.Kaieteur News understands that the landlady of one of the alleged suspects has since gone to the Travel Service inquiring about her whereabouts.

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