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發表於 2017-3-26 16:15:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Police suspect robbery was the motive,Cheap Jerseys, one arrested Police are currently investigating what some say might have been an attempted robbery that has left a 24-year-old man hospitalised with a gunshot wound.Reports are that Richard Barton was reportedly shot some time after 16:00 hours, yesterday,NFL Jerseys Outlet, at his place of employment, Lambert’s Enterprise, Charlotte Street.The injured Richard Barton being taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital by the police. People at the scene said that a former employee went to the Charlotte Street business place enquiring about an identification card he supposedly left behind. Sources close to the investigation told this newspaper that the man who reportedly shot Barton was employed with the company some time ago. Reports are that after the man made enquires about his ID card,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Barton was sent to accompany him to the second flat of the three-storeyed building to search for his ID card.“He had a bag in he hand. They send Richard with he and tell Richard make sure he ain’t pick up anything,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” the source said.Some time later,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, persons in the bottom flat of the business premises heard a scuffle but no one ventured upstairs,Cheap Jerseys Store, after gunshots rang out as well.  Persons in the area said they then saw a man on the roof of a two-storey building next door.“This man operate like spider man. He jump off de the verandah on the second floor from Lambert building and straight onto me roof…Li’l more he would pass through the roof but he damage it li’l,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping,” one eyewitness said.The man then jumped some 30 feet to the ground before fleeing into a nearby alley way. He was however caught by alert ranks who were in the area. By that time,Wholesale Jerseys USA, too, other ranks had arrived since neighbours called the police after hearing the gunshots.The suspected gunman being taken into police custody. The fleeing man was caught trying to hide a bag with a .32 pistol in the alley way when he was arrested. The injured man was taken to the hospital where he was listed as stable. However, there was much confusion as to what really transpired and this led to the police handcuffing the shot victim and placing him to lie on the floor of the police vehicle.This sparked even more confusion at the scene as onlookers who gathered tried to convey to the police that the man they had handcuffed was a victim.Shortly after, the man who reportedly shot Barton was brought back to the scene escorted by police ranks. The man was heard pleading with the police that he was attacked by the man who was shot. Barton was shot in his stomach and up to press time yesterday was listed as stable.The police are currently investigating.

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