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發表於 2017-3-26 16:17:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“If all the bees were to die,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, mankind only have four more years to live on the earth,” according to apiarist, Linden Stewart. According to him it has been deduced that bees are one of the major links between those who grow the food and those who eat the food.And because of pollination,Cheap Jerseys Store, Stewart noted that one-third of the world’s food supply, which is consumed daily, depends on the bees to pollinate.As part owner of a thriving Africanised bees-dependent entity, the city-based Kingdom Apiary, Stewart has been part of intense research efforts to determine whether Guyana can be affected by existing pests and diseases plaguing some countries around the world.Apiarist Linden Stewart demonstrates his bee keeping skillsBees,Wholesale Jerseys USA, according to Stewart,Cheap Jerseys, are suffering from a disease called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) which is triggered by a disease called the Israeli Acquired Paralysis Virus (IAPV). This is an Acquired Immunodeficiency-like virus,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, according to Stewart.“We did some research – we have checked on the internet and spoken with professors – to see if Guyana can be affected but we have discovered that our bees are resistant.”  We wanted to know how come our bees are resistant and the American bees are not resistant but in our research we found that in America,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, Europe, Canada they are genetically modifying their bees for a high level of production…”By genetically modifying the bees, the resistance of the bees is essentially depleted, Stewart disclosed.  China is currently the number one honey-producing country in the world.And as far as the bee-keeping enterprise goes, Stewart said that a farmer would normally rent hives from bee keepers to help pollinate their crops. Some bee keepers are paid as much as US$100 per hive,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Stewart added.“For example the bees are needed to pollinate all the pumpkins a certain farmer grows especially for Halloween. If the bees don’t pollinate the blossoms they will fall off and if the pollination is inadequate he will not get the size of pumpkins he wants or the number he wants…so by bringing the bees he will get what he wants.”Because of the presence of CCD farmers are now being paid a maximum of US$150 per hive to pollinate because bees are dying and there are hardly sufficient bees available for rental.The situation in Guyana does not require stringent pollination as such the importance of pollination is not recognised, Stewart noted.In the meantime though,NFL Jerseys Outlet, he revealed that bees are also being affected by the genetic modification of trees. “Some of the trees are being genetically modified to grow fast; some are using certain pesticides and when the bees go to the trees to pollinate the nectar and the pollen that they bring back to the hives have a bit of toxin inside. That is causing CCD.”The death of bees in some developed countries was initially being blamed on cellular phones, global warming and even pollution, Stewart related. But according to him it was caused simply “by their own destructive ways” to genetically modify the bees.The global dilemma caused by the death of the bees is compounded by the fact that some developed countries had sought to condemn the Africanised bees that are known to thrive best in Guyana and other tropical locations.“America, for instance, has condemned the Africanised bees. They exterminate them. The fact is the Africanised honey bees will not produce as much honey as the Italian bees in America…Bees in America will produce a lot in American but here they will not produce as much as the Africanised variety.”It has however been discovered that although some countries have condemned the Africanised bees, efforts are now being made to source them if bee keeping activities are to be sustained on a global note.“Some countries now have to take our Africanised bees to breed with their bees for them to get back the resistance…” Stewart divulged. And in order to ensure that bee keeping remains a thriving enterprise Stewart is also involved in various bee keeping projects in a number of regions where he has been offering his bee keeping skills in anticipation that bee keeping will not become an extinct activity.

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