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[香港大學] Cheap Jerseys ysyf4p1m









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發表於 2017-3-26 16:18:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three University of Guyana (UG) students yesterday appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer to charges ranging from simple larceny to burglary to cultivation of marijuana. Kestta Brian, 21; Sanjay Surajpaul, 18; and Carren Fiedtkou, 23.The court was told by police prosecutor,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Sergeant Lionel Harvey,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, that on March 10,Cheap Jerseys Store, at Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the three accused pilfered $80,000 worth of equipment from Cleveland Munroe.On the said date they allegedly broke into the apartment of the same plaintiff. It was further alleged that while at the said plaintiff’s apartment the three accused carted off a motor car valued $2 million. To those charges they were not required to plea.The prosecutor went on to allege that on March 11, last, at Cummings Lodge, police unearthed two grams of marijuana at an apartment occupied by both Brian and Surajpaul. Lawmen also found that the two were cultivating three seedlings suspected to be that of marijuana. Brian and Surajpaul declared their innocence on those charges.The sergeant added that on the day of the incident, the plaintiff went home around 11:00 hours and found that his apartment was broken into and his car keys and motor car were missing.Hence the matter was reported to the police and an investigation was launched.After substantial evidence was gathered by investigating ranks, the three were arrested and charged.Attorney at-law Mark Waldron who represented Brian and Surajpaul, said in his address to the court,Cheap Jerseys, that his clients are both second year students at UG. Waldron explained that on the day of the incident his clients were solicited by Fiedtkou to help her transport some of her personal belongings from Munroe’s apartment to Linden.The court was told by the attorney that Fiedtkou once shared an intimate relationship with the plaintiff.According to the lawyer,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, Brian is now dating Fiedtkou and he believes that the allegations against his clients arise from jealousy.Waldron in his bid to secure bail for his clients made mention that there are no antecedents against the accused,Cheap NFL Jerseys, hence bail should be set in a reasonable sum.With that, Counsel Hubert Rodney entered an appearance for the lone female. Rodney in his bail application stated that his client who is a final year economics student at UG, resides at lot 47 Fourth Street, Cummings Lodge.The attorney explained that there is nothing to suggest that if his client is granted her pre-trial liberty that she would not return for her trial.All of the accused had voluntarily turned themselves in to the police.Magistrate Beharry then granted bail in the sum of $50,000 each on the charge of possession of cannabis. She also allowed the three accused bail to the tune of $100,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china,000 each on the charge of burglary.Bail was also set in the sum of $10,000 each for the indictable offences of simple larceny.   Brian and Surajpaul were denied their pre-trial liberty for the offence of cultivating cannabis.The matter of ganja possession was transferred to the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court for March 18. The other charges will remain at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and was set for a second hearing on April 1.

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