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發表於 2017-3-26 21:34:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    new head being soughtFour months after confirming Karen Livan as its new Commissioner,Oakland Athletics Trevor Plouffe Jersey, mining regulator, the GuyanaGGMC Commissioner, Karen LivanGeology and Mines Commission (GGMC), is now looking for a new head.Livan, a 30-year veteran at the GGMC,Miami Marlins Jeff Locke Jersey, came under fire Wednesday during a meeting between government and foreign nationals involved in mining.Government,Trevor Plouffe Jersey, in its move to clamp down on illegal mining, has announced sweeping measures that will mandate foreign nationals to be in possession of work permits before entering the country’s goldfields. There are over 15,000 Brazilians working and living in Guyana with a significant number of them undocumented.It was during that meeting at Celina’s Restaurant,Gordon Beckham Jersey, located on the Kitty seawall,Brian McCann Jersey, that a Brazilian claimed he was granted permission earlier this year to mine on a government reserve in Kamarang,Tampa Bay Rays Wilson Ramos Jersey, Region Seven. The permit was signed by Livan who at the time was unable to explain how the permit was granted.GGMC’s Chairman, Major General (retd.) Joe Singh, disclaimed knowledge of the transaction when asked by Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud.This drew an angry response from the Minister who ordered that Brazilian visit his office yesterday with the documents permitting him to mine on state property.Yesterday, GGMC’s Board of Directors reportedly met where it was agreed that the process to replace Livan would start.The Commissioner is due to proceed on retirement leave in a few months.“There is frustration of the Board in GGMC’s management and an urgent need to arrest years of poor management and lawlessness in the mining sector,” an official said last evening.It was also pointed out that numerous complaints have been laid to government by the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) over the “non-response” from GGMC over a number of outstanding issues.Earlier this year,Colorado Rockies Ian Desmond Jersey, government announced plans for a major overhaul of GGMC’s operations.With gold prices at an all-time high,Atlanta Braves Jamie Garcia Jersey, there has been a rush to the interior,San Francisco Giants Jimmy Rollins Jersey, with government recently admitting it is facing environmental and other monitoring problems. With a number of murders and reports of illegal guns and rampant prostitution, GGMC’s operations had been coming under increasing scrutiny.Guyana’s dense forest and rough terrain have not made monitoring any easier.

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