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發表於 2017-3-26 22:53:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Forty-eight year-old Robert Sandy of 441 Kuru Kuru, Soesdyke/Linden Highway appeared before Magistrate Susanna Lovell at the Providence Magistrate Court on Wednesday, last, to answer to three charges – causing death by dangerous driving, failing to give right of way and thirdly, crossing double yellow lines.It is alleged that on October 24, last, around 17:30 hrs, the defendant was driving minibus BLL 2836, north along the western side of the New Hope Public Road, East Bank Demerara, at a very fast rate of speed, while he was in the vicinity of New Hope Fisheries. He subsequently overtook motor-car PDD 3047 on a bend, where there is a double yellow line.It is also alleged that when he saw a police car coming in the opposite direction with flashing lights, he swerved in front of motor-car PDD 3047 which caused the left rear of his minibus to collide with the front side of the car.The accused then lost control of his minibus, which toppled several times before ending up in the trench on the western side of the road.As a result, several persons in the bus were injured and a passenger, 26-year-old Cornel Ferreira,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, of Moruca, North West District, was submerged in the water. Ferreira was taken out in an unconscious condition and then taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where he was pronounced dead on arrival.Sandy, who pleaded not guilty to all three charges, told the Magistrate that he has been a driver for 27 years, has three grown children and has never been charged or convicted before. In his application for bail, he stated to the Magistrate that he has “only a small amount of money” for bail and asked that this be set at a reasonable amount.Prosecutor Corporal Gordon Mansfield did not object to bail, however he asked the Magistrate to set the bail at a sum which would ensure that the defendant would return for his next court date.Magistrate Lovell granted bail to the tune of $150,000 for the charge of causing death by dangerous driving, $10,000 for the charge of failing to give right of way and $10,000 for the third charge of crossing double yellow lines.The defendant is scheduled to make his next court appearance on November 22.

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