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[本地歌詞] NFL Jerseys Outlet From China









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發表於 2017-3-27 17:46:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Women’s rights must not be a “political football”As Prime Ministerial candidate for the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Elisabeth HarperPPP/C Prime Ministerial candidate Elisabeth Harpercontinues to take hits from her critics in the lead-up to elections,Patrick Peterson LSU Jersey, the former ambassador emphasised that her silence over the years on women’s rights does not affect her credibility on the issue.Harper made the comment during a broadcast interview on the radio show, “Hard Talk” with host Chris Chapwanya. The programme was aired on Sunday.During the interview, Harper was questioned on concerns raised over her noticeable silence over the years on women’s rights,Anthony Davis Kentucky Jersey, in particular’ domestic violence (DV). Harper had previously revealed in an interview that she had been a victim of DV.During PPP/C campaigning,Joseph Addai LSU Jersey, Harper was also heralded as a champion of women’s rights.However,Lower Merion Jerseys, the opposition coalition A Partnership National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) has been particularly critical of Harper. Prime Ministerial Candidate for the coalition,Le Veon Bell Michigan State Jersey, Moses Nagamootoo, questioned Harper’s stance on women’s rights when she was now involved in a party that is yet to address former President Bharrat Jagdeo’s alleged abuse of his wife, Varshnie Singh.“I would answer that by saying this: I think that it is unfortunate that we should be debating this constantly, because it does show that in some segments of our society and in some people’s minds that women’s rights still are not being respected,Karl-Anthony Towns Kentucky Jersey,” Harper responded on the radio programme.“I wonder in all of this what this debate – this unfortunate saga – is doing to some of those women who initially might have heard me speak. Yes, it might be 25 years but it is still a memory. I have got over it; I have forgiven my former husband and I have been able to move on.”Harper further maintained that her credibility as a women’s rights champion was not affected by her years of silence.“This is not about Elisabeth Harper; this is not about me. This is about what I can do and contribute with other women who are working with persons who might be suffering from domestic violence, who are running programmes to sensitize communities. It’s what I might be able to bring now to the table to help. I think that’s what we need to focus on,China Jerseys Authentic,” Harper emphasised.She went on, “There are women who might currently be abused and they have no recourse. What does that do to their confidence if this is now being seen as a sort of political football? It is not; it’s a very serious issue and it’s something that should go across the political divide.”Meanwhile,Kansas Jayhawks Jerseys, Harper also defended her decision to join the PPP/C. She said that her more than three decades as a career diplomat was not tainted by her admission into the party. That career came to an end late last week when Harper said farewell to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She admitted, too, that she had not been previously aligned with the party until her acceptance of the Prime Ministerial candidacy.Presidential Candidate for APNU+AFC,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Brig. David Granger, had raised questions at Harper’s announcement as PPP/C’s Prime Ministerial candidate.“We do not feel that Ambassador Harper’s appointment is sufficient to correct the damage that had been done by the PPP to this country, if that is what they were hoping…the PPP has a very bad reputation for public service, accountability and transparency and the lack of democracy, and I think that by associating herself with the PPP, it will do her reputation no good and I do not know what the PPP expects to gain from it,” Granger had said.During her interview, Harper emphasised that Granger and everyone in Guyana for that matter was “entitled to their own view”. She added that a democratic society allowed for persons to air their views.“So, Mr. Granger is quite within his grounds to say what he feels,” Harper said before continuing, “I know what I know, I know what I believe in and this is what I will be doing…I said that my integrity speaks for itself and therefore I am presenting myself to the people of Guyana as someone who they can have confidence in.”

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