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發表於 2017-3-27 20:55:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As the restructuring continues at the Guyana Sugar Corporation,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, a decision has been taken to remove the company’s head office from Ogle, East Coast Demerara to Albion,Cheap Jerseys Store, Corentyne, Berbice.Kaieteur News was told this move will reportedly save the company in excess of $100M per year.In the old management structure,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, there were general managers at each estate. However, in this new arrangement,NFL Jerseys Outlet, there will be two directors manning all the estates.In Demerara, the director will be Rishi Sookram, who was formerly in charge of procurement at the head office.Jai Pittam will be in charge of the Berbice estates.This newspaper was told that those persons who were formerly managers at the various estates have since been offered alternative positions.The shake-up will also see finance and industrial matters being referred to the head office rather than to intermediary personnel.Kaieteur News was also told that all properties belonging to GuySuCo that are not generating income, including Herdmanston House, will be put on the market to earn revenue.This year, a source at the sugar company said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, focus will be placed on ending the last four years of decline.This newspaper has learnt that there are other immediate radical changes which are on the table as negotiations continue.Last week,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, this newspaper reported that the new management structure at GuySuCo has seen all the top brass from the company departing. The exception is the Chief Executive Officer,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Nick Jackson.Kaieteur News has learnt that there are substantial differences over changes required to turn around the sugar industry. The management,Cheap Jerseys, including the Board of Directors, and Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud seems to be at loggerheads.Persaud is reportedly dissatisfied with management’s ability to make the changes necessary to improve the performance of the sugar company, and as such the matter has now gone to the Office of the President.Reports are that the minister oversaw the new arrangements and was at odds with many directors of the board, including the chairman, who are resistant to the changes in the management structure.The Minister of Agriculture has reportedly expressed his lack of confidence in the current management, but is facing resistance in some quarters to make the radical changes he is advocating.The new structure is part of the changes planned for 2009, as indicated by President Bharrat Jagdeo.This newspaper has learnt that Persaud himself went to GuySuCo head office several days ago to ensure that the changes agreed to were implemented, given attempts by several within the management to scuttle the plan to make changes.

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