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[本地歌詞] Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale be very well trained said Hallahan









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In the quest to put an end to discrimination levelled against persons who are deaf, there are a number of measures that must be put in place. This is according to deaf advocate,Mario Manningham Michigan Jersey, Pastor Lawrence Hallahan,Lower Merion Jerseys, who currently heads the Guyana Deaf Mission which is situated at Lot 8 Vlissengen and D’Andrade Street,Morris Claiborne LSU Jersey, Newtown,Kobe Bryant Lower Merion Jersey, Georgetown.Speaking to the various forms of discrimination Hallahan related that education for the deaf is one of the key areas that must be addressed even as he pointed out that moves are already being made by the Education Ministry to take action in this regard.He explained that there are two main ways that education for the deaf can be improved. He pointed to the placement of a deaf child in   a hearing classroom along with an interpreter, so as to ensure that the child is not left out from the lessons being taught. Another major way of addressing the deaf dilemma,Chris Webber Michigan Jersey, Hallahan said that efforts can be engaged to establish a school exclusively for deaf students.In such a school he said that “there can be both deaf and hearing teachers but all must know sign language and every subject must be taught using sign language.” He explained that while subjects like English and Science will also be taught they must be able to reflect the essence of the subject areas using sign language to aid learning.Teachers in these areas must however, be very well trained said Hallahan,Jake Long Michigan Jersey, who related that “what we need in the education system is a large pool of persons who know sign language well so that the deaf students are not left behind.”He emphasised the notion that training in sign language for teachers is one of the prime factors that must be embraced by the Ministry of Education if deaf education is expected to improve.“We (Guyana Deaf Mission) have been involved in two programmes to develop interpreters in the past…one of them needs to be revived this was due to funding,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic,” said Hallahan who currently offers sign language classes through the Guyana Deaf Mission.As it relates to health,Shaquille O Neal LSU Jersey, the Deaf Advocate said that discrimination occurs in such a way that hearing people do not even notice. He alluded to the fact that some deaf persons are completely disregarded by health officials when they attempt to seek medical attention.“When a deaf person goes to a doctor,Ray Lewis Miami Jersey, they take a relative of theirs and the doctor talks to the relative who receives the tablets (medication) and hands it to the deaf person and says take these every day. The deaf person is completely left out of the conversation. I know this because of my experiences as an interpreter dealing with a deaf person.”“The doctor always tries to talk with me and I am saying don’t talk to me; this person is the patient …I tell them directly  I’ll sign for them many times…So this is a serious problem and it is a serious issue that the Ministry of Health needs to address,” said Hallahan.With the passage of the Disability Act in 2010, discrimination of persons with varying forms of disability has been outlawed and therefore measures must be put in place to arrest forms of discrimination. Hallahan emphasised.

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