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Jerseys NFL Wholesale China on July 15









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發表於 2017-3-28 18:19:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ian Hunte, 27,Jacory Harris Miami Jersey, of 225 ‘B’ Field, Sophia,Tom Brady Michigan Jersey, on January 19, 2009,Denard Robinson Michigan Jersey, appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson to face the charge of simple larceny.It is alleged that, on July 15, 2008,Morris Claiborne LSU Jersey, the defendant stole a Motorola cell phone from Oscar Mc Caughlin.It is also alleged that the accused stole a Motorola Raz’r cell phone from Morgan Chalmers on Tuesday, October 21, 2008. The accused pleaded not guilty to both charges.The defendant,Joseph Addai LSU Jersey, who works at ‘Cell City’ cell phone shop,Charles Woodson Michigan Jersey, asked for a chance to explain himself to the court. He said that, on the day in question, Morgan Chalmers, who is the superintendent, gave him the phone to “look after.”He added that he had a throat problem and went to the hospital to have himself checked out by a doctor.He went on to say that when he left the office someone else was managing his post.“When I went back, a lot of things went missing.”The defendant said that he did report the matter, after he returned and found items from the store missing.“Your Worship, I just asking for a reasonable bail. I did not steal any phone,Skal Labissiere Kentucky Jersey,” Hunte said.According to police prosecutor Denise Griffith, the defendant had previously appeared in court on a similar charge. The accused confirmed the accusation.“Whenever people give their phones to him to have them fixed, the phones end up going missing,Kansas Jayhawks Jerseys,” she said.She added that the defendant does this on a regular basis. “He would leave with the phone, and when they tried calling him,Tim Hardaway Jr. Michigan Jersey, the phone would just keep ringing.”The prosecution requested that bail be denied to the defendant, since he had given a different story to the police.The accused was remanded to prison until his next court appearance on January 26.

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