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[本地歌詞] Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale with 60 female ranks.









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發表於 2017-3-29 18:11:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Commodore Best calls on Army women to aim for higher standardsA section of the gathering at the Church Service yesterday.The Women’s Army Corps of the Guyana Defence Force is observing its 46th year of existence and a grand church service was held yesterday to kick start a series of activities which will coincide with the celebration. The church service was held at the auditorium at Base Camp Ayanganna,Magic Johnson Michigan State Jersey, Thomas Lands.On the occasion,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the women were urged by Chief of Staff,Skal Labissiere Kentucky Jersey, Commodore Gary Best,Keith Appling Michigan State Jersey, to aim for higher standards for themselves and to seek out positive role models. Best, with specific reference to serving women in the army noted that they should make time to carve out their own identity and time for personal development.“I urge you to establish a sense of value for yourselves and to find a positive role model like Ruth in the Bible,DeMarcus Cousins Kentucky Jersey, as women you must recognize that you are not trophies for men to have as possessions. You were not born to be abused or cast aside; you were born to be success stories.”The Chief of Staff further implored the ranks, not to sell themselves short. “Do not trade your reputation for instant pleasure. Find a role model.”He also underscored the fact that their working environment can sometimes be harsh but over the years efforts have been made to ‘soften’ it through standard operating procedures.“We have put systems in place to deal with sexual harassment, domestic violence,Morris Claiborne LSU Jersey, deviant conduct and education. Take advantage of these opportunities to better yourselves while you are serving.”It was also noted by Commodore Best that over the years there have been some new and unprofessional attributes among the females in the army.“Over the years in the Army,Maryland Terrapins Jerseys, women stood out for their dress and uprightness and I’m not saying it was perfect but over the past four to five years the standard of the dress by our women has fallen dramatically.”The Chief of Staff added that there have also been an alarming number of instances where women in the army have been stealing from their own. To this the Chief of Staff said that this must not continue . “Aim for higher goals and standards and learn to be contented,Cheap Jerseys Authentic,” he advised.The gathering was also given sound words of advice from Elder Angela Massiah of the First Assembly of God Church who delivered the sermon. The women were encouraged to be women of honor and of good standing.The Women Army Crops has over the years been making significant contributions to the Guyana Defence Force. In the year of Guyana’s Independence,Reggie Wayne Miami Jersey, the GDF had barely established its first battalion of less than 500 men when it was forced to deploy troops to Eteringbang on the country’s westernmost frontiers to confront Venezuela’s aggression.The sudden removal of such a large number of men from such a small force resulted in a huge loss of manpower. Soldiers had to be found quickly to secure the borders and others had to take their place in the camps. The GDF’s solution was to recruit women.The WAC was established in February 1967, with 60 female ranks.

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