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Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Brenda Nurse









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發表於 2017-3-29 18:34:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Edwin Niles,Edrice Adebayo Kentucky Jersey, the prisoner who was allegedly beaten after being found with seven rounds of .22 ammunition, died at the Georgetown Hospital at around 23:00 hrs last night.Niles’ mother, Brenda Nurse,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, told Kaieteur News that a hospital staffer contacted her daughter last night and requested that she come to the hospital urgently.When Ms. Nurse and her daughter arrived at the institution,Collin Klein Kansas State Jersey, they were informed that Niles had died. He was already wrapped in a sheet.According to the relatives, a female prison officer who had guarded her son was present,Glenn Robinson III Michigan Jersey, but did not communicate with them.“A prison officer had told me that his injuries were not life-threatening, but now he is dead,” she said.Niles’ mother said that she first realized that something was amiss yesterday afternoon, when a hospital staffer told her to come to the hospital, since her son was unwell.The woman and Niles’ sister,De Aaron Fox Kentucky Jersey, Gevita David,Cheap NFL Jerseys, arrived at around 17:45 hrs,Max Bullough Michigan State Jersey, and observed two prison officers pushing Niles in a wheelchair to his bed.However, they were not allowed to speak to the patient.“A nurse told me that he would be alright and I left.”Mrs. Nurse alleged that Prison officials have refused to allow her to communicate with her son since he was hospitalized.Niles was admitted to hospital with a broken arm and burns on his back shortly after seven .22 rounds of ammunition were found in a pair of trousers he was wearing.There are reports that the inmate picked up an old pair of army trousers that was to have been discarded,Jarrett Lee LSU Jersey, after he and other inmates were sent to work at Camp Ayanganna.A hospital statement had indicated that Niles was beaten by other inmates.However,Reggie Wayne Miami Jersey, Niles’s reportedly told a relative that he was beaten with a stick and scalded with hot water while being questioned.Last night, Niles’ mother said that Prison Officials told her that her son was injured during an altercation with other prison officers.Director of Prisons Dale Erskine has said that an investigation is underway to ascertain how Niles received the injuries.

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