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發表於 2017-3-30 02:43:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PARADISE VILLAGE, WEST COAST BERBICE – Twelve-year old Clinton Warde of Lot 2 Paradise Village on the West Coast of Berbice needs help to remove a brain tumor.The child’s father, Clinton Warde Senior,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, said his son was recommended for surgery overseas and the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Canada responded.The boy’s predicament started with bouts of pain in the head and subsequently blurred vision.“He is blind in the right eye and he is hardly seeing in the left eye. The problem is that he has a tumor on the brain and it is growing. It has fluid and it affects his sinus as well.”Dr. James Drake, Head of Division of Neurosurgery and Dr. Eric Bouffet, Division of Haematology/Oncology prepared a treatment plan for the child.This includes surgical treatment – Endoscopic Fenestration and outpatient chemotherapy. According to the document, the estimated US$64,000 does not cover additional charges,Ben Roethlisberger Steelers Jersey, which could occur depending on the condition of the child.It does not include, inter alia,Ty Montgomery Packers Jersey, future treatment, including additional surgical procedures that may be required or long term chemotherapy. It represents only physician and anesthesia fees,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey, inpatient service,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, chemotherapy administered as an outpatient (up to two cycles – 12 days per cycle), test and procedures – CT scan and MRI, use of operating room and equipment, and surgical costs.No date has been set for the surgery as yet. According to the older Warde, the family is awaiting a document from the Hospital for Sick Children, which should assist the child and his mother to secure visas for Canada.He is appealing to the public for assistance to raise the cost of airfare for his son plus the US$64,000 for hospital expenses.Mr. Warde indicated that his wife’s friend in London would pay her airfare but so far no one has offered to stand the travel expenses for the boy.A bank account, 7313174,Randall Cobb Packers Jersey, was also set up at the Republic Bank. That account now carries a balance of $877,000. Mr. Ward visited the Ministry of Health last Monday and from all indication, the Ministry may donate US$5,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey,000 to the cause.The child’s diagnosis was made on March 20th at the Woodlands Hospital in Georgetown after a CT scan was done.As his health continues to deteriorate, the grade seven student of the President’s College has not attended school since March 8th.The results of a CT scan of the brain done on March 20th this year revealed that the features are “consistent with an extra axial mass arising in the sellar…strong possibility of cranio-pharyngioma…other possibility, though rare is Rakte’s Cleft Cyst.”A diagnostic imaging report done at the Global Imaging Service Inc. on April 14th, 2010 states,Julio Jones Falcons Jersey, inter alia,James White Patriots Jersey, “There are well defined lobulated, cystic, septated, sellar and suprasellar mass lesion of 3.8×2.9×2.8 centimeters with peripheral enhancement. There is solid enhancing soft tissue mass in the inferior portion of the mass. The mass is compressing the third ventricle with dilatation of bilateral lateral ventricles.”The Warde family can be contacted on 232-3448 and 671-0547. Mr. Warde expressed gratitude to those who have reached out thus far. “We just trust that God would continue to sustain and protect him.”

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