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NFL Jerseys Outlet From China Priya Manickchand









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發表於 2017-3-31 05:28:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as new child protection facility opensThe Ministry of Human Services and Social Security and the Child Care and Protection Agency have added yet another safe place for abused children to those they already have.Yesterday Minister of Human Services and Social Security,cheap nfl jerseys online, Priya Manickchand,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, commissioned the New Sophia Care Centre. The home will be a safe place for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse of all forms.On the occasion,cheap nfl jerseys, Head of the Child Protection Agency Ms. Ann Greene lauded the government’s effort in child care and protection. She also lauded her staff for doing an excellent job at the other children centres. The same quality services will be expected at this new centre,wholesale jerseys china, she said.Minister of Human Services and Social Security,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, Priya Manickchand and Head of Child Protection Agency Ms. Ann Greene unveil a plaque at the opening of the New Sophia Care Centre.According to Greene,wholesale jerseys, while the caretakers at the centre have a major role assigned to them citizens also could play a role in protecting children.Greene called on the public at large to become foster parents to the more than 600 children who need proper homes. Child care and protection is everybody’s business,cheap nfl jerseys china, Greene said and noted that all citizens should get involved and report cases of child abuse and child neglect.Also at the opening, Minister Manickchand said that the opening is a significant milestone for the Ministry in its effort to promote child care and protection.Minister Manickchand called on the staff members who will be assigned to the homes to be patient with the children and to give them the best.“We feel strongly about corporal punishment…no child should be left without food as a means of punishment.”She further stressed that despite the criticisms the Ministry has been bombarded with for ‘taking away people’s children the Ministry will continue its work.She noted that it is her Ministry’s duty to protect a child once there is sufficient evidence showing that the child is being abused or neglect.“We don’t like to remove children from their homes but every child that is taken away is taken away from their home for a reason and a very serious reason.”She too reiterated the call for citizens to get involved in fostering children who are in need of proper homes.

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