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– Lawyer calls for bail withdrawal for one while another is reportedly M.I.A One accused allegedly involved in the July 2011 Bel Air heist,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, that saw business tycoon Malcolm Panday being robbed of over $7 million, is rumored to have absconded at the height of the trial while another has purportedly made attempts to tamper with prosecution witnesses.This disclosure was made by Attorney-at-Law Glenn Hanoman who led the prosecution during yesterday’s court proceeding as two other police witnesses were called to the stand.The Attorney noted these actions should be seen as clear cut attempts by the accused to sabotage the prosecution’s case.Hanoman said that Hardat Kumar, an accused in the robbery trial,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, has made efforts to tamper with the prosecution witnesses on two occasions.The Attorney related to the court  that Hardat Kumar and his mother were recently arrested for contacting and threatening prosecution witness Rabindranauth Seemangal‘s relatives with death. “The witness and his relatives are terrified and pondering whether it is safe to give evidence.” In light of this,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, Hanoman requested that the court consider withdrawal of Kumar’s bail.The lawyer said that this is not the first time that Kumar has tried to interfere with the witness,NFL Jerseys Supply, as he had previously tried to send meals to Seemangal after he decided to testify in favour of the prosecution. Seemangal,NFL Jerseys Outlet, however, did not accept the food as he suspected that it may have been poisoned.Seemangal was also an accused in the matter but has since admitted his involvement in the robbery and is currently serving a sentence. Some time after his sentence, Seemangal decided to testify on behalf of the prosecution and subsequently became their star witness.However Kumar refuted the lawyer’s claim and stated that it was Seemangal who contacted him to ask a favour of him.“Seemangal call me and ask me to give his sister $7,000 but I tell he I only got $3,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000. The police later arrest me for threatening his family” Kumar said that after his arrest, the police refused to accept my cell phone which proves otherwise.Senior Counsel Bernard De Santos also prosecuting the case told the court that the prosecution is willing to “soften” its position if Kumar gives the court an undertaking that he would have no further contact with the witnesses.De Santos said that the prosecution has “zero tolerance” for interference of the witnesses.Hanoman told the court that he received some unofficial news that Aubrey Simon,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, the accused driver of the getaway car, has fled the jurisdiction as he had missed trial dates on two separate occasions.In this regard,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, the lawyer asked that the court treat Simon as a fugitive of the law.The matter which is being heard by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry also saw two police witnesses taking the stand. The first witness was ballistics analyst Police Sergeant Eon Jackson who claimed to have handled the “9mm high point semi automatic pistol” that was used in the robbery.The expert said that he also fingered the eight live rounds that belonged to the said gun. He said that he found that the firearm was in working condition describing it as a lethal weapon.The next witness was Lance Corporal Jermaine Laundry. Laundry said that he witnessed the procuring of the caution statements for two of the accused, Kumar and Simon. The witness said that Kumar confessed saying is “Annie mother set up de wuk and I gon tell yuh how it happen.”Laundry told the court that Simon mentioned the words “I only drive” during the taking of his statement after the heist.  He held that the statements were freely and voluntarily obtained as no form of force or inducement of any kind was used during the process of acquiring such.The witness identified both exhibits that were shown to him as the statements which were given by the two accused.It was noted that none of the defense lawyers were present at the hearing thus the accused requested that the witnesses return on another date to be cross examined. The matter will called again on October 19

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