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A Brazilian trade and tourism delegation is expected to arrive today for a series of meetings over six days to explore the possibility of doing business in Guyana.The team which is being led by the Brazilian organisation SEBRAE, a national organisation in Roraima State, comprises Government officials, businessmen and women, individuals from the tourism sector particularly the hotel industry,Cheap MLB Jerseys, SUFRAMA,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, and the Roraima state media.The stopover, which ends on March 26,Soccer Jerseys China, will include meetings in Lethem and Linden and afford the visitors a chance to have a direct look and evaluation of the roadway between Lethem and Linden and the wharf and waterway access.It will also include a business seminar at the International Convention Centre, Liliendaal, where the trade and export capacity in both countries will be evaluated. The seminar will benefit from the intended partnership and will showcase Guyanese products in the various sectors.Yesterday,Arizona Diamondbacks Jorge De La Rosa Jersey, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) said that there will be one-on-one meetings and visits to various businesses, particularly in the manufacturing, tourism, commerce, and agricultural sectors. There will also be an open day for the visitors to enjoy the sights and sounds of Guyana.Co-ordinating this historic meeting from the public sector side are the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce and GoInvest; and from the private sector side the PSC,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, the Guyana Tourism Authority and the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association.The visit of the trade delegation was announced by GoInvest’s Head, Geoff DaSilva,Bobby Orr Jersey, last week.“The intention of the visit to Guyana is to interact with Guyanese businesses to gain knowledge about trade and investment opportunities that exist and to formulate avenues for strengthening Guyana/Brazil trade relations and export capacities. On the public side, it poses the prospect for discussing the issues between Guyana and Brazil.”The visit can be considered timely given the opportunities that now exist for travel between Guyana and Brazil as a result of the completion of the Takutu River Bridge, PSC said.Today,wholesale jerseys, the delegation will be greeted by the Lethem’s Chamber of Commerce before travelling to the city.Tomorrow, the team will be in Linden for a business presentation before touring the container terminal there.One Tuesday, at the conference centre, there will be sectoral presentations and businesses wanting to explore talks of trade with some of the delegation’s members will have an opportunity in the afternoon to do so. On Wednesday and Thursday,Cheap Jerseys, the one-on-one business meetings will continue before the team heads back to Brazil on Friday.On Thursday,Brendan Shanahan Red Wings Jersey, DaSilva disclosed that in addition to tourism, the Brazilian delegation is hoping to buy steel and other building materials from Guyana.

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