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The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is offering a special payment plan for the monthMinister with responsibility for Housing,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey UK, Valerie Adams-Pattersonof May to beneficiaries of Government house lots, priced $3M and below,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, in residential areas.Under this 50/50 payment plan,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey UK, persons who have completed paying 50 percent of the cost of their house lots by May 1,Ty Montgomery Packers Jersey UK, will be given a 50 percent discount on the balance.This balance, however, must be paid by the end of May,Bart Starr Packers Jersey UK, Minister of Communities Valerie Adams-Patterson explained at a press briefing in the boardroom of CH&PA, yesterday.“If you have an allocation to a house lot for $1M and by May 1, you would have completed paying $500,Stephen Gostkowski Patriots Jersey UK,000 (which is 50 percent,) then you have 50 percent on the remaining balance of 500,Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey UK,000. So you now have a discount on the balance of $250,000 but the balance must be paid by the end of May,” she explained.The payment plan takes effect from today,Tyson Jackson Falcons Jersey UK, the Minister said. “So you have from now to April 30 to complete 50 percent payment of your allocation,” she advised. The initiative whilst in celebration of the nation’s jubilee is also in keeping with government’s intention to make house lots more affordable.The payment plan is also applicable to the beneficiaries of turnkey homes, with regards to the cost of the house lot, not the homes, she explained. A house lot for a turnkey home costs $500,000.Also in commemoration of Guyana’s 50th anniversary, the CH&PA will give 50 persons, $300,000 as a subsidy. The beneficiaries of these grants must be living within one of the Government’s housing schemes, and the subsidy is to be used to implement home repairs.The Minister explained that the beneficiaries will be randomly selected during a public exercise in each region.According to the Minister, four persons each will be given subsidies in Regions One, Two, Five, Seven and Nine,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey UK, whilst six persons will benefit in Region Three.A total of 14 subsidies will be distributed in Region Four whilst five each will be handed out in Regions Six and Ten.

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