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發表於 2017-4-2 11:29:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In pursuit of clarity regarding “The continuous misunderstanding and, at times,Brent Seabrook Jersey, deliberate misrepresentation of the way  in which the Financial Management of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission operates (GGMC),” the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment continued to explain the pivotal role of the GGMC in its ability to govern itself.In a release pertaining to what the Ministry said is the operations and activities that enable the functioning of the semi-antonymous agency; GGMC was recognized as being important also to the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) among several other activities.“These activities (GGMC business) become more important in the context of the LCDS,Artem Anisimov Jersey, and the Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) process, with requirements for managing deforestation in the mining sector,Bobby Hull Jersey, and consequently, for closer monitoring and regulating of individual mining operations, in order to obtain a high level of compliance of the Mining Act and Regulations.”“This,” the Ministry said, “requires a bolstering of GGMC’s field staff; upgrade of field accommodation and facilities, emergency road works in mining areas,Jack Eichel Team North America Jersey, training, and construction of facilities in new areas to better track and regulate activities.”It is important to note that all of the Royalties from Large Scale gold mining at Omai passed through GGMC’s books and were directly paid over to the Bank of Guyana and then to the Consolidated Fund, the Ministry related.“This is an important precedent as we recall that gold royalty is five percent of gross production and that in the new paradigm, gold Royalty for Large Scale producers rises to eight percent once gold price exceeds US$1,000/oz.The Ministry however said that currently there is no large scale mine in operation although a few are being developed.They further highlighted that as recent as 2006-2011, GGMC’s Contributions to the Consolidated Fund were $800M in 2006,Corey Crawford Jersey, $2B in 2010,Nick Foligno Jersey, 2011 and 2012.“Further,Patrik Berglund Jersey, in keeping with the Act of GGMC and the Amerindian Act, support would have been provided to the Amerindian Communities through the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.”But talking more on matters concerning the Ministry, the release said that the Ministry wishes to address the false assertion in one section of the press that MNRE is deeply involved and about to award a contract for the rehabilitation of the GGMC Building at High and Princes Streets.“We wish to state categorically that the design, preparation of biding documents and the launching of the Invitation for Bids are all being done by the GGMC. Further, we wish to advise that the Commission contracted an independent, external Consultancy Firm that has been providing support for the process while another independent Consultancy Firm provided some short term engineering reviews.“It should be noted that the Invitation for Bids for Lots 1 and 2 (Civil and Electrical) was advertised widely in all the local newspapers which led to the public opening of Bids submitted.”“A broad-based Evaluation Panel comprising of the GGMC Management,Bobby Orr Jersey, Ministry of Public Works,Niklas Backstrom Jersey, Representatives of the Mining Sector and the Board of Directors was then appointed to evaluate the bids submitted for Lots 1 and 2.”“This panel is being assisted by the Consulting Engineers and as far as the MNRE is aware the evaluation is still ongoing and no recommendations have been taken to the Board of Directors for review and approval, thus we find it highly malicious for a newspaper column to even infer that the Ministry is directly involved in the process of evaluation much less the awarding of this or any contract for the GGMC.”The Ministry affirmed that it will continue to provide the necessary policy guidance to ensure the effective management of the sector.

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