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Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China contrary to earlier reports









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發表於 2017-4-2 17:23:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police yesterday took statements from several teenage boys in an attempt to ascertain how their companion,Kansas Jayhawks Jerseys, 14-year-old Daniel Younge,Brad Kaaya Miami Jersey, ended up drowning in the Lamaha Canal last Sunday.Daniel YoungeInvestigators have received conflicting reports about the incident. One report is that the South Ruimveldt Gardens youth died after plunging into the canal, popularly known as ‘the Blacka’.Another report is that the lads were chasing one another in the water and that one of them pulled Younge, who is believed to have been a poor swimmer,Lower Merion Jerseys, into a deep section of the canal.The teen who allegedly dragged Younge further out into the water was questioned at the East La Penitence Police Station but was not detained.The victim is the son of businessman Colin Younge,Teddy Bridgewater Louisville Jersey, who returned from overseas on Sunday night.Mr. Younge and other relatives have expressed the view that Daniel was either dragged into a deep section of the canal or was held underwater.Mr. Young is convinced that his son would not have plunged into the canal,Anthony Jennings LSU Jersey, given the fact that he was not an experienced swimmer.Yesterday,Denzel Valentine Michigan State Jersey, the businessman visited the area where the tragedy occurred. He even dived to the spot where the body was found and said that it was so deep that he was unable to touch the bottom of the canal.After this, Mr. Younge said that he was even more convinced that his son would not have ventured out there.One relative told Kaieteur News that Younge was left in the care of an older sister. It was some time in the midmorning when he left his home without notifying relatives.The relative explained that while he was at the “Blacka,China Jersyes Cheap,” one of his friends swam up and said that he was ‘feeling something’ in the water.“My friend shout and say he feel like a man deh underneath the water…so I say if you feel something pull it up,” the relative related. He received a shock when the body was pulled from the water and it was his cousin.Panic immediately erupted and the lad was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital,Anthony Davis Kentucky Jersey, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The relative told Kaieteur News that doctors at the hospital informed them that the teen was dead for about four hours prior to the body being found.Mr. Younge points to the spot where his son’s body was found.However, contrary to earlier reports,Jarrett Lee LSU Jersey, the victim was not fully clothed when his body was retrieved from the water. A relative reportedly put a shirt on the dead lad.A postmortem is expected to be performed on the remains tomorrow.

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