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發表於 2017-4-4 04:58:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Angry minibus operators swarmed over Ramp Road just outside of Geddes Grant yesterday as they protested what they deemed an ‘illegal’ new bus route that is depriving them of passengers and thus affecting their business.The outraged minibus operators that ply Route 42 (Stabroek/Timehri) explained that since Monday last,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey, there has been the introduction of a new bus route. Route 49 (Stabroek/Timehri) has been licensed to drive from Georgetown to Timehri,Dwight Freeney Falcons Jersey, taking passengers between those points. However,Kevin Greene Steelers Jersey, Route 42 is also licensed to travel the same route. Most of the drivers for Route 42 are allowed to travel only up to Sarah Johanna, East Bank Demerara. The addition of Route 49 has hampered the business of the Route 42 operators because,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey, they allege, the Route 49 buses take passengers from along their route,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey, whilst they come back into town. The Route 42 operators are saying that this is unfair as they pay the same road tax,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, registration and licensing fees, but they now will need a permit to take passengers past Sarah Johanna.The minibus operators added that they face competition from Routes 32 and 31 minibuses that also ply a part of the same route— from the Demerara Harbour Bridge to Stabroek Market.The angry operators parked their minibuses along the sides of the road and stood nearby, discussing their plight and ensuing course of action. There were a few members of the Guyana Police Force on scene and after speaking with them, the minibus operators reported that the police had told them to go back to work, because the Route 49 was illegal.Upon hearing this,Aaron Rodgers Packers Jersey, one of the minibus drivers said that he was told the same thing the day before but the Route 49 minibuses were still on the road. He added that he heard that the Route 49 minibuses would be approved in Parliament that same day.After they had explained their stance,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, a police officer told them that no one prevented them from running their route and went on to explain a request had been made to add another route within Route 42 and it had been passed.He went on to explain that there was misrepresentation on the part of the Route 42 minibus operators and then asked them to choose representatives to meet with him later on in the day so that they could work the matter out.According to a source in Brickdam Police Station,Mike Wagner Steelers Jersey, the matter was resolved and the Route 49 buses will merge with the Route 42 buses and hold their Route number (Route 42). The situation was said to be brought about by misrepresentation. The minibuses are expected to return to work as normal.

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