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發表於 2017-4-4 11:21:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…deaths from accidents riseHalfway into the year, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) records have shown that the nation has recorded over 26,000 traffic offences, with more than 5,000 of them occurring in June.The GPF recently released its monthly traffic statistics,Karl-Anthony Towns Kentucky Jersey, covering the period January 1 through June 30, 2015.According to data compiled by the law enforcement body, the police made 26,390 cases against motorists for the breaching of traffic laws. This represented an increase of 5,220 cases; at the end of May, the police had indicated that that there had been 21,170 traffic offences made out by them.Speeding continues to be the leading traffic violation being made out by the police with 42 percent of the total traffic offences. At June month-end, the police recorded 11,168 speeding offences while at the end of May there had been 8,Desmond Howard Michigan Jersey,214. This represented an increase of 2,954 speeding offences.After speeding, the police recorded overloaded minibuses as the most occurring offence with approximately five percent committing this traffic breach. There were 1,426 such cases,Dwyane Wade Marquette Jersey, up from 1,075 cases at the end of May.Breach of condition of road service licences/music offences was also approximately 5 percent of the total cases with 1,292 cases as compared to 1,058 at the end of May.In recent months,Trey Burke Michigan Jersey, the traffic offences recorded by the Guyana Police Force (GPF) have been slowly risingOther offences included driving under the influence of alcohol (770 cases), failure to wear seatbelts (764 cases), breaches of traffic light signals (505 cases) and use of cell phones while driving (328 cases).June’s recorded number of offences is a major leap from May’s, In May,Kansas State Wildcats Jerseys, police data showed that there were 1,Le Veon Bell Michigan State Jersey,645 traffic offences. June’s cases represent more than 3 times the figure recorded in May.Deaths by accidentsAt the end of May 2015, there had been 36 fatal accidents. By the end of June, this figure had risen to 45.According to the police, from January to May 30 there were 45 deaths from the 36 recorded fatal accidents. However, this number rose to 56 deaths from 45 fatal accidents by the end of June. This means that for June alone 11 persons died from nine accidents. For June, the number of children killed in road accidents rose from 9 at the end of May to 10.Meanwhile,Gorgui Dieng Louisville Jersey, at the end of May, the police recorded 136 serious accidents while up to the end of June the figure rose to 173. Similarly,Collin Klein Kansas State Jersey, there has been an increase in minor accidents from 183 at the end of May to 234 cases by June 30.Furthermore, speeding continues to be the leading cause of fatal accidents. From January to May, the police say that 16 of the fatal accidents were as a result of speeding, 12 were due to inattentiveness, 7 from driving under the influence of alcohol and 1 from failure to conform to signs.In comparison, at the end of June the police say that 22 of fatal accidents were as a result of speeding. This increase from May to June was the biggest leap. Other causes of deaths at the end of June represented 13 cases for inattentiveness, 9 for driving under the influence of alcohol and failure to conform to signs remained at 1.Pedestrians continue to be the most affected by road accidents in Guyana. Out of the recorded 56 deaths at the end of June, 17 of them were pedestrians. Passengers in cars were the second most affected with 12 deaths.Meanwhile, though there was a recorded increase from May month end to June, police records show that there were decreases in a number of areas when compared to 2014.From January to June 2014, the police had recorded 52 fatal accidents as compared to this year’s 45 for the same period. This represented a decrease of 13 percent. Additionally, in 2014 there were 57 deaths as compared to this year’s 56 deaths, a decrease of two percent. Serious accidents were also down by 16% when compared to 2014 while minor accidents and damage accidents saw decreases of three percent and one percent respectively.The only area which saw an increase was deaths of children; up to June 2014,Tom Brady Michigan Jersey, 7 children had died from fatal accidents while up to June 2015 there were 10, an increase of 43 percent.

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