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發表於 2017-4-6 02:26:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Up to press time yesterday the driver of a motor lorry was in custody assisting with investigations following the death of a wheelchair-bound man.Dead 53 year-old Royston SmithAccording to reports Royston Smith,Joe Mullen Jersey, 53,Scott Hartnell Jersey, of 476 North East La Penitence, died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation while receiving medical attention.  Smith was run over about 08:00 hours on Mandela Avenue and Houston Bypass road.The police in a statement said the lorry GJJ 3745 had stopped at the traffic light by the Houston Bypass road. At the time Smith who was in his wheelchair was reportedly soliciting alms from motorists. He reportedly fell into the path of the lorry.According to the police statement,Michael Jordan Jersey, unfortunately the traffic light changed and the lorry attempted to move off, crushing Smith. The severely injured man was picked up and rushed to the Hospital where he died while receiving medical attention.The dead man’s sister,Bobby Orr Jersey, Denise Fraser, told this publication that she was at home about 09:00 hours when she received news that her brother was involved in an accident and that vehicles refused to take him to the hospital.The woman added that having received the news,Christian Folin Jersey, she and other relatives raced to the scene where they found him bleeding profusely from his injuries as there was some difficulty with getting transportation to take him to the hospital.Fraser added that from the time she saw her brother there was very little hope that he would survive. The woman said that a few years ago her brother was the victim of a hit and run accident which resulted in him losing the lower parts of his legs. As a result of that accident Smith also suffered a broken hip.There are reports too that Smith suffered two heart attacks while receiving treatment for his injuries.Fraser said that she was told by the driver that he did not see her brother. He only knew someone was injured after he heard loud screaming and upon stopping his vehicle to investigate he noticed the man under his vehicle. Investigations are ongoing.Meanwhile,Shayne Corson Jersey, Compton Narine,Ryan Suter Jersey, popularly known as Ras Camo and Compton Williams,Charlie Coyle Jersey, is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital after a Tundra slammed into his vehicle then fled the scene.The accident occurred on D’Urban Street,Ales Hemsky Jersey, Werk-en-Rust. A black Tundra heading in the opposite direction slammed into Ras Camo’s vehicle. He sustained a fractured thigh.The Tundra reportedly slammed into a Canter truck in the vicinity of Agricola as it was fleeing the scene, and injured two children who were hurled out of the Canter truck on impact.

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