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發表於 2017-4-6 13:14:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– but calls for tempered optimism in oil find By Abena Rockcliffe The United States of America is sticking by Guyana’s side as it regards the country’s decision to allow Exxon Mobil to continue oil exploration activates in a part of Guyana that has been taken into dispute by neighbouring Venezuela.The United States, on Thursday last,Ian Desmond Jersey, in celebration of its Independence, hosted a reception at the Marriott Hotel, Georgetown.  At this event,Desmond Jennings Jersey, Chargé d’Affairs of the United States Embassy, Bryan Hunt, told the gathering that while the United States is excited about the discovery by the Exxon Mobil, tempered optimism is needed as Guyana will not be able to really cash in on this discovery until another few years.Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo“We are all excited about the prospects of the significant oil discovery in the Stabroek Block, but we must temper our optimism as even the most rosy predictions call for years before potential benefits will be realized.”“We stand with the government of Guyana and ExxonMobil as they work together to extract natural resources in a responsible manner that protects the environment,” Hunt said,This commitment comes at a time when Guyana’s territorial integrity is under threat. Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, on May 27, last, issued a decree, extending Venezuela’s claim to Guyana’s territorial waters. A map which was issued, accompanying the decree, shows that the claim includes the area where the US giant oil company, ExxonMobil is currently drilling for oil.Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge,Luis Sardinas Jersey, had noted that the decree mandates the Venezuelan Navy to secure the disputed area and the resources of the area which he said means that there can be a use of force to deprive Guyana its territory.Maduro’s decree came on the heels of the announcement that a hefty amount of oil was found; these quantities are being regarded by Guyana’s leaders as enough to significantly transform the country’s financial fortunes.Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo also addressed Thursday’s event. Nagamootoo, during his address,San Francisco Giants Gordon Beckham Jersey, said that the new government is aware that there may be challenges and road blocks that may impede Guyana’s journey towards a new democracy.United States Embassy Chargé d’ Affairs, Bryan HuntVenezuela’s President,Trevor Plouffe Jersey, Nicolas MaduroHowever, he said that even more daunting than the challenges to Guyana’s democracy is the spurious threat to the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.The Prime Minister said, nevertheless,Jhoulys Chacin Jersey, that in the in the face of provocation “our Guyana is not without friends.”He added that Guyana will continue to strive for national and international collaboration in defence of its sovereignty and promote the Caribbean and South America as a zone of peace.Prime Minister Nagamootoo recalled the words of President David Granger at the ceremonial opening of the Eleventh Parliament when he said that the government will continue towards adherence to agreements that respect territorial integrity and guarantee Guyana’s sovereignty.Granger had said “Your Government will do everything within its power to secure our borders.  We aim at playing a leading role in regional affairs,Neftali Feliz Jersey, using our presence on the South American Continent and our membership of the Caribbean Community,Yan Gomes Jersey, the Organisation of American States, Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to re-engage our neighbours and resolve the major regional security and economic challenges.”He continued, “We shall strengthen our friendly relations with our neighbours – the Federative Republic of Brazil; the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Suriname.  We believe that our four neighbouring Republics together have much to contribute to the security of national borders, to the stability of this continent,Arizona Diamondbacks Fernando Rodney Jersey, to the success of the Union of South American Nations and to the happiness of our peoples.“We will seek effective international collaboration to sustain economic growth and preserve international peace. Your Government will continue to work towards adherence to agreements that respect our territorial integrity.  We insist on the full implementation of agreements that guarantee our sovereignty.”

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