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發表於 2017-4-7 03:28:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– victim reportedly slain during clash with men who robbed relativePolice have detained five men and are hunting for a sixth in connection with last Thursday’s murder of Kaneville resident Shem Padmore, whose body, with three bullet wounds, was left at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.Shem PadmoreA police official said that the suspects are members of an East Bank Demerara gang.Investigators have reportedly established that the 28-year-old Padmore was shot in Agricola while attempting to help retrieve money and jewellery that some of the bandits had stolen from a relative.That robbery reportedly occurred in Kaneville some hours before Padmore was slain. While police have detained the alleged robbers, a source said that the individual who shot Padmore, and who is known as ‘Uncle’,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, remains at large.Kaieteur News understands that after he was robbed, the relative complained to Padmore, who insisted on going to Agricola to retrieve the relative’s valuables.Despite being cautioned by the relative,wholesale jerseys, Padmore, the relative,Gregor Blanco Jersey, and a man who owns a car then drove to a house in Agricola, where the bandits were hanging out. It is alleged that Padmore then went to the house and confronted ‘Uncle,Brendan Shanahan Red Wings Jersey,’ identified as one of the ring-leaders.Kaieteur News understands that ‘Uncle’ warned Padmore not to “get into his business”. It is alleged that Padmore was retreating to the car that had brought him to Agricola when the bandit shot him.“He (the relative) said that they confront the guys and that he (the relative) got into the car first, and when Padmore was going into the car,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, the boys shoot he from behind,” a source said.Padmore, with two gunshot wounds to the heart and one to the lung, was taken by car to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where he was pronounced dead.The other occupants of the car left without identifying themselves. However,Arizona Diamondbacks Jorge De La Rosa Jersey, police reportedly managed to trace the vehicle after a security guard at the hospital recorded the licence number. They then questioned the relative who identified the suspects.Kaieteur News understands that some of the suspects will be charged with armed robbery.Padmore,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, of Lot 940 Fourth Field,Soccer Jerseys China, Kaneville,Cheap NFL Jerseys Chinese, was last seen alive by his reputed wife, Miranda Dennis, at around 19:00 hrs on Thursday.She said the father of two had left to purchase fish and chips from a vendor who lives about a corner from his residence.Dennis said that the police visited her home the following day and informed her of Padmore’s death.

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