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… as major reshuffling gets underwayA major reshuffling is currently underway within the administration with one such casualty being the Permanent Secretary (ag) of the Ministry of Local Government, Seewchan, who has been sacked.This newspaper understands that there were reports of dissatisfaction by Government over the execution of several regional contracts.SeewchanNew Local Government Permanent Secretary Nigel Dharamlall New Amerindian Affairs Permanent Secretary Colin CroalPermanent Secretary (ag), Seewchan, was yesterday informed of the marching orders but he will stay on for another two weeks to wrap up files and documentation,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, assisting in the transition.Head of the Presidential Secretariat,wholesale jerseys china, Dr Roger Luncheon,cheap nfl jerseys online, yesterday confirmed thatNigel Dharamlall, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs,cheap nfl jerseys china, will be heading to replace Seewchan whilst current Permanent Secretary of the Legal Affairs Ministry Colin Croal, will replace DharamlallWell-placed local government officials, who asked not to be named yesterday,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, disclosed that the ruling administration has been reviewing a number of complaints and “there was total dissatisfaction” on the monitoring levels as well as the execution of some of the projects.The official declined to speak about any particular contracts that may have come under the spotlight.Ironically, on the day that Seewchan was given his marching orders an advertisement appeared in the local newspapers inviting bids for scores of contracts totaling several million dollars.The majority of the projects advertised were for repairs to be undertakenAlso the Regional Executive Officer of Region Nine,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, R. Gajraj will be replacing Shafdar Alli in Region Four.Alli was recently arrested in relation to alleged fraud and his contract was not renewed.Dr Luncheon also announced that there might be possible additional changes in Regions Two and Five and possibly more in Region Three.In other senior appointments Lieutenant Colonel McAndrew has been assigned Deputy Director of Prisons while Lieutenant Colonel J. Persaud has been appointed Deputy Accountant General

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