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發表於 2017-4-8 02:43:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused Sevak Rampersaud,Reggie White Packers Jersey, called ‘Suresh Persaud’,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, 37, on Friday walked out of the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s court a free man for the second time after Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo once again upheld no case submissions by attorney at Law Mursaleine Bacchus.Verone PattoirThis was after he was rearrested and imprisoned for the second time on orders from the Director of Public Prosecutions.Rampersaud, a taxi driver, of 54 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice was on trial for murdering his paramour, Verone Pattoir,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, on May 20, 2011. The charge against him was first discharged in May 2012 after Attorney at law Bacchus had offered no case submission.However the DPP subsequently ordered the magistrate to reopen the case so as to take further evidence from two witnesses,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, Nicola Alexander and Juliet Agard. The prosecution closed its case on May 3. On May 20, the defence responded with a written no case submission.In his submission attorney at law Bacchus again stated that the two witnesses in their further testimony did not in any way advance the prosecution case.He submitted that no prima facie case has been made out for the defence to answer to the charge. The prosecution responded with an oral submission. After perusing the evidence Magistrate Nagamootoo discharged the matter.The attorney, in the first instance, had submitted that the circumstantial evidence put forward by the prosecution was not enough to commit his client. He had stated that the evidence did not meet the threshold that is required in law.Pattoir,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey, 40, a mother of three,James White Patriots Jersey, of Lot 42 Mudflat Stanleytown,Grady Jarrett  Falcons Jersey, New Amsterdam, who was allegedly involved in an abusive relationship, was murdered,Jordy Nelson Packers Jersey, allegedly by her paramour at her residence.Fifteen persons testified on behalf of the prosecution including the daughters of the accused.Investigators had reportedly recovered some implements,Julio Jones Falcons Jersey, including a bloodied knife and a bloodied rolling pin from the scene.A Post Mortem examination conducted on the body by Dr Vivekananda Brijmohan gave the cause of death as Shock and Hemorrhage due to multiple Injuries and Fractured Skull.Rampersaud was arrested and locked up for a number of days soon after the crime. A motion of Habeas Corpus was filed by Mr. Bacchus in the High Court. A file was subsequently prepared and sent to the office of the DPP which advised that the man be charged with the capital offence.He was charged almost four months later in September 2011.The woman’s daughter had returned home and found the bloodied body of her mother lying lifeless in the hallway of their home.

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