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發表於 2017-4-8 18:32:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The mother of 32-year-old Shane Ryan, whose body was found floating in the Thomas Lands Canal,San Diego Padres Erick Aybar Jersey, believes that it was her son鈥檚 alcohol addiction and psychological disorders that lead to his demise.Ryan attended St Rose鈥檚 High and spent two years at the University of Guyana studying Accountancy.His mother,Drew Storen Jersey, Faye Rodney,Bud Norris Jersey, of Lot 30,New York Yankees Matt Holliday Jersey, Shirley Field Ridley Square, Ruimveldt, stated that her son was 鈥渧ery bright. He had six subjects,Austin Romine Jersey, five grade twos and one grade one.鈥漇hane RyanMs. Rodney said that around the age of 22 her son began drinking and became dependent on it. He had stopped working and was frequently found roaming Charlotte and Wellington Streets she added.According to Ms. Rodney,Arizona Diamondbacks Jorge De La Rosa Jersey, he worked at GTM,Atlanta Braves Bartolo Colon Jersey, Republic Bank and Demerara Distillers Limited. Mr. Ryan had a wife and child who currently live in Barbados.Ms. Rodney stated that her son鈥檚 wife would send money for him now and then for medical purposes due to his alcohol addiction.The now dead Ryan spent 27 days at home with his mother who took care of him and nursed him back to health.She added, that it was the longest time her son had spent at home in awhile other than to shower and change clothes. She stated that she had observed him having hallucinations and suffering from seizures due to over indulgence of alcohol.An unnamed doctor at Georgetown Public Hospital had prescribed Dilantin,Tommy Hunter Jersey, a medicine to lessen his chances of suffering from seizures, stated Ms. Rodney.Research has shown that drinking alcohol can increase some of the side effects of Dilantin, and can also increase risk of seizure. Dilantin can also cause confusion,St. Louis Cardinals Brett Cecil Jersey, hallucinations, unusual thoughts or behavior and suicide.Ms. Rodney stated that she had brought her son home last Thursday and had to hide the knives due to the intensity of his hallucinations. She said that he was not a violent person, but for precautionary measures she removed any sharp objects.The woman took Ryan to the hospital last Friday around 1:00am after he began running naked in the neighbourhood.She had called his behaviour 鈥渦nnatural鈥� and felt that he needed medical attention. After leaving Mr. Ryan in the hospital Ms. Rodney stated that when she went to visit him later in the day, the hospital notified her that they had no records for Mr. Ryan.She said that people had told her that they had seen him naked with injuries to his face. With this information Ms. Rodney reported that she had looked for him in all of his usual places or where people had said they saw him.Ms. Rodney stated that she believes it was the medication that caused her son to lose balance from sitting on a culvert and fall to his death in the Canal.

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