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發表於 2017-4-9 07:04:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Fourth road fatality recorded in five days A father of four has now added to the rapidly growing country’s road fatally figure for 2011. Forty-nine year-old Owen Anthony Elliot a driver employed by Stabroek News died while receiving treatment at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre around 04:00 hours yesterday. Reports are that Elliot was heading to Diamond East Bank Demerara in the company’s vehicle when the incident occurred.Dead: 49 year-old Owen Anthony Elliot.One of the dead man’s daughters Rowena Elliot said that she received the news of her father’s death sometime around 4:30 hours yesterday.“A friend called us and told us that my father was in an accident at Diamond and that he was at the hospital,Reggie White Packers Jersey UK,”. The woman said herself and other siblings decided to call the Diamond Diagnostic Centre to enquire about their father’s condition.“When we called the hospital they told us that daddy…we just went down to the hospital to see what next to do,Kevin Greene Steelers Jersey UK,”.Meanwhile according to reports Elliot and another casual staff were heading to Diamond to drop the daily supply of newspaper for the area when he may have lost control of the vehicle while negotiating a turn at DDL.This newspaper was told that the vehicle skidded while negotiating a turn and to add to the situation there was water on the road. Reports further stated that after the car lost control it ended up in a nearby trench. The other occupant who has since been identified as Harold Lam managed to make his way out of the vehicle. From reports,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey UK, by the time Elliot was freed from the vehicle he had ingested too much water. Public-spirited citizens rushed him to the hospital where he died while receiving treatment.According to a Relative, Elliot had been employed by Stabroek News for the past nine years.Meanwhile Elliot is now the country’s forth road fatality for the year. On Saturday morning last a Lusignan mason Mark Seebarran,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey UK, 30, was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Hospital after he was rushed there along with his injured reputed wife Melissa Robinson by ranks of a police patrol unit.Seebarran was heading to his lot 301 Lusignan West home with Robinson,Green Bay Packers Jersey UK, on their bicycle,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey UK, when they were struck down by a car registered to a taxi service in Georgetown. On Tuesday 23 year-old Jullian Mohabir of Sheet Anchor Village East Canje died after the car he was in slammed into a utility pole at New Amsterdam. On Sunday Rajkumar Basdeo,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey UK, called Roy,Vic Beasley Jr Falcons Jersey UK, 47,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey UK, of 25 Line Path Skeldon, Corentyne, was snuffed out by an alleged speeding drunken driver.

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