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Last week,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, a Colin Kaepernick trade seemed certain to happen. On Monday we sit in an amorphous cloud of uncertainty.    Remaining free agentsNFC free agency gradesAFC free agency gradesFree agency winners and losersSeven riskiest free-agent signingsRobert Griffin III signs with Cleveland BrownsWesseling: Which franchises are on the rise?Collateral damage: Players hurt by free agencyCollateral benefits: Players aided by free agencyWatch:Under-the-radar free-agent signingsThree teams that lost in free agencyWhich teams made the best free agency moves?    NFL Media columnist Michael Silver reported that all's quiet on the Kaepernick front,Cody Whitehair Jersey, with the Broncos holding firm in their belief that Kaepernick is worth a fourth-round pick. There is no movement with the Browns.    Per Silver,A.J. Klein Jersey UK, the Niners are chilling.    San Francisco is in no hurry to unload Kaepernick and is prepared to retain the quarterback if a trade can't be brokered. The team has until April 1 before $12 million of Kaepernick's salary is guaranteed for 2016.    It's notable that the Broncos value Kap at a fourth-round level. It's the first solid figured from the Broncos camp we've heard since rumors of a potential trade exploded.    Last Thursday,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Silver mentioned that 49ers likely want a second-round pick for Kaepernick and said at the time the Broncos might be willing to part ways with a third-rounder.    The key word at the time was might. The offer hasn't gotten that steep yet.    The Broncos do not currently own a fourth-round pick,Cheap Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, meaning Denver would have to figure out how to make it work in event the Niners lower their demands.    The Browns have reportedly been willing to give up a third-round pick.    Both the Broncos and Browns would like Kaepernick to sign a restructured deal for any trade to take place. Kaepernick and the Broncos were closer on a contract restructure than Cleveland,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey, but the Niners want more from Denver,Baltimore Orioles Chris Davis Jersey, per Silver.    The lesson here is that there are plenty more trips around the negotiating wheel before any trade for the quarterback comes to fruition.

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