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發表於 2017-4-10 00:25:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy has said that the health sector in Guyana is attaining the same level of development like the other countries in the Caribbean.During his budget debate in Parliament last week, Minister Ramsammy pointed to the achievements in the health sector over the years.As it relates to life expectancy, he explained that at the end of 2008 it was 68.5 years at birth and,Steve Bartkowski Falcons Jersey, for a woman, life expectancy is now 71.4 years at birth.This is the first time in the history of Guyana that it has reached this level for women, Minister Ramsammy said.“When we started in 1990, it was 61 years… we had reached 60 years by 1964, and whilst it increased throughout the 1970s,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey, it began to reverse itself in the 80s, while in the 90s it remained stable and now it is beginning to increase.”The Ministry aims to reach an average of over 70 years in 2012.At the end of 2008, child mortality was 20.2 per 1000,Eric Rowe Patriots Jersey, while it was 27 in 2003.“We are achieving results,Artie Burns Steelers Jersey, and we are together in Guyana improving the health of our people,” the Health Minister said. Maternal mortality, he said,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey, was 34 per 10,Lawrence Timmons Steelers Jersey,000 in 1990, while at the end of 2008 it was 11.2 per 10,000.“These are dramatic improvements, and yet I as Minister of Health could say that I am not yet comfortable with those numbers. Those are still higher numbers than those in the Caribbean. Those are not good enough numbers.”Dr. Ramsammy pointed out that the health sector is not a political field where he is trying to score points,John Hannah Patriots Jersey, but he is only interested in the health and well-being of the people in the country.“And I know some of you might say that this is a political thing, and you would want to take away those credits from us, but I would stand here firmly and say that this country Guyana has proudly confronted its shame and disgrace and is beginning to achieve results, improving the lives of our people and attaining the same level of development as our sisters and brothers in the Caribbean when it comes to health.”Meanwhile, for the blood situation in the country,Ha Ha Clinton-Dix Packers Jersey, he noted that 7,500 units of blood were collected in 2008,Antonio Brown Steelers Jersey, while it is estimated that the blood banks need 10,000 units to meet the everyday demands of the people.Minister Ramsammy once again reiterated the call for a Parliamentary blood drive to be hosted so as to make Parliamentarians regular blood donors and to set an example for the people.

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