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發表於 2017-4-11 17:17:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PNCR Leader Brigadier (Rtd) David Granger met scores of villagers during a “walk-about” in Ann’s Grove,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey, Two Friends and Dochfour villages,Stephen Gostkowski Patriots Jersey, East Coast Demerara. During the walk-about he listened to the problems affecting their communities.Villagers expressed their concern about rising unemployment and the dysfunctional public education system which is producing an unmanageable number of dropouts.Brig (ret’d) David Granger listens to the woes of a resident of Ann’s GroveGranger was told that many villagers were small miners who worked in the Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region. Several of them complained about having been systematically ‘shaken down’ by rogue policemen and harassed by armed retainers of rich miners. Many have been driven away from their claims and are now unemployed.Three villagers were killed in a mining accident at Aranka earlier this month. Villagers also raised other concerns – including poor drainage, bad roads,Nick Perry Packers Jersey, lack of adequate street lighting and lack of proper sporting and leisure facilities for young people – in the historic community.Granger was able to see the results of poor government infrastructure works such as badly constructed roads,Julio Jones Falcons Jersey, inadequate street lights and unfinished bridges that impede the flow of traffic– all of which have had an adverse effect on the daily lives of residents.The PNCR Leader said that Central Government and Regional Administration had roles to play in alleviating the villagers’ distress. He appealed to residents,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey, however,Sean Davis Steelers Jersey, to organize themselves to save the environment by preventing the dumping of bottles,John Hannah Patriots Jersey, plastics and Styrofoam into canals and the dumping of garbage along the roadways.Granger challenged the youth of Ann’s Grove and Two Friends to mobilise, organise and collectively develop proper playing fields in the community.The PNCR Leader was accompanied on his village walk-about by the Chairman of the Demerara-Mahaica Region Clement Corlette,Matt Ryan Falcons Jersey, Guyana Youth and Student Movement Chairman Christopher Jones,New England Patriots Jerseys, and Regional Councillors.

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