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發表於 2017-4-12 00:35:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The suspect in Tuesday night’s murder of 20-year-old Dexroy Dodson turned himself in yesterday at the Cove and John Police Station,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, and has reportedly confessed to the killing.The suspect was accompanied by his mother who this newspaper understands had persuaded him to give himself up.Dodson, called ‘Magga Man’, a cane cutter, was discovered lying in a clump of bushes a few metres from his mother’s house at 13th Street Dazell Housing Scheme,Wholesale Jerseys From China Supply, Paradise, East Coast Demerara at about 23:30 hours by his father, Marlon McKenzie.Dodson was stabbed in the region of the chest and the state of the body when it was removed early yesterday morning suggests that the youth was killed sometime around 19:00 hours.According to reports, the suspect’s 15-year-old sister was friendly with Dodson who began living in the community a month ago. This angered the suspect who reportedly threatened him on several occasions.The teenager told police that she was talking to Dodson on the road when her brother came up and dealt her a few slaps,Nick Saban Alabama Jersey, causing her to fall to the ground.She said that her brother then appeared to cuff Dodson who eventually ran away.At the time she did not know that Dodson was seriously wounded since she did not see her brother with a weapon.After Dodson collapsed trying to make it to his house,Matt Murray Penguins Jersey, the suspect reportedly left the village and sought refuge in the city.A police source told this newspaper that the suspect confessed that he became angry when he saw Dodson kissing his 15-year-old sister.Dodson’s father, Marlon McKenzie,Glenn Anderson Rangers Jersey, who was visiting the dead man’s mother,Scott Hartnell Jersey, found it strange that their son had not returned home since it was very late in the evening.While on his way home he decided to make a call to his son’s cellular phone and to his surprise he heard the phone ringing in a nearby clump of bushes.A search of the area gave Mc Kenzie the shock of his life,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, when he discovered his son’s blood covered body.“Is pass I passing going home and I ring he phone. I hear it ringing in de grass and I turn back and see he lie down in dis bush,Jerome Bettis Steelers Jersey UK,” McKenzie told this newspaper.The dead man’s mother was at a loss for words following the shocking discovery.She said that shortly after Dodson’s father left her home he telephoned her and told her to “come and see something”.“Honestly, I thought that I was coming to see him and his girlfriend. I did not expect a dead person,” Wilson told this newspaper.She related that her son was friendly with a young woman from the village, not far from her home,Pavel Datsyuk Red Wings Jersey, and from all appearances he was returning from her house.She said he had told her that one of the girl’s relatives had recently threatened him.

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