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Female Members of Parliament from A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) have called for a better life for Guyanese women as the world observed International Women’s Day on Friday last.Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Deborah BackerSpeaking at a women’s rally hosted by the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) at the Stabroek Market Square to honour the work and efforts of women nationwide,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Ms. Annette Ferguson, a young Member of the National Assembly,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, called on the Minister of Health and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic administration to improve health care for women.Ms. Ferguson recalled the reports over the years of women dying during child’s birth, a high child mortality rate and of women sharing beds at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and other government health institutions.Another Member of Parliament, Ms. Deborah Backer,Wholesale Jerseys China, who is also Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, called for greater security for our women. Ms. Backer re-emphasized APNU’s demand for Minister Clement Rohee’s resignation, reminding the crowd that the Minister is not competent to ensure the security of the country – a situation that leaves women and children vulnerable to crime, especially interpersonal violence.Ms. Amna Ally, another APNU MP, told the rally that several women paved the way for women’s development in our country. Ms. Ally pointed to names such as Jane Phillips-Gay, Viola Burnham and Urmia Johnson. She noted,Wholesale Jerseys From China Supply, too, that women have come a far way since Guyana’s Independence and continue to play major roles in the National Assembly, making specific mention of the current Deputy Speaker,Wholesale Jerseys From China, Ms. Deborah Backer and her predecessor, Clarissa Riehl.APNU’s Shadow Minister for Human Services and Social Protection,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Ms. Volda Lawrence,Wholesale Jerseys, reminded the rally that women are the backbone of society and are the ones who manage the economics of the home. She said that the 2013 National Budget must make women’s jobs easier. She called on women to stand up for themselves with more action and less talk.Opposition Leader David Granger and APNU Member of Parliament Amna AllyFriday’s rally concluded with an address by the Chairperson of the National Congress of Women (NCW), Ms. Cheryl Sampson. She spoke of the origin of International Women’s Day and called on all women to take their places in society and be strong supporters of our men and children.The rally opened with greetings from the Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the PNCR, David Granger, M.P., who pledged the Partnership’s struggle to give our nation’s women  ‘a good life.’

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