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Through fund-raising activities, some $5M has already been raised towards the improvement and reconstruction of the St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital. And the driving force behind these efforts has been outstanding business personality, Christopher Fernandes.Fernandes, was one of two individuals who were bestowed with the Rotary Vocational Service Awards yesterday by the Rotary Club of Georgetown for their efforts to promote high ethical standards in the society. The other awardee was Lloyd Austin of the Austin Book Services.The award ceremony which was held at the Pegasus Hotel came as the highlight of Rotary Vocational Service Month which is currently being observed.In receiving his award, Fernandes revealed that he was born into a family that has always been social work-oriented, thus from a very young age he was taught that certain organisations needed support.Among the institutions that the Fernandes have supported over the years are the Saint Stanislaus College and the St Joseph’s Mercy Hospital.“I would like to think that it was no accident, me being asked to receive this award today, because some of you know that I am involved in the Mercy Hospital improvement and reconstruction project, and right now I am in a serious fund-raising mode.”It was in May of this year that fire ravaged the administrative building of the Mercy Hospital, an entity that Fernandes is keen on having restored.He revealed that by the end of this year other fund-raising activities will include a customary Christmas Fair, which will be held at Thirst Park as a bigger event, as the need for assistance is greater than ever before. Other events such as an ‘Old-time’ barbecue and dance is also listed among the other activities that have been streamlined to aid the ongoing efforts. “There is no better cause than the Mercy Hospital. It has served us and our families through the years and we believe with the commitment of the sisters and with our efforts we will make this institution the best health care provider locally.”In doing so, Fernandes said that it is expected that the number of people who travel overseas for health care will drastically reduce. He estimates that the total cost of improving the hospital will amount to about US$4M. He admitted that although it may not be possible for the total amount to be garnered locally, at least a concerted effort must be made.For his untiring efforts Fernandes, who is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of John Fernandes Limited, was yesterday the recipient of the Rotary Vocational Service Award, for an individual who promotes high ethical standards and public values to improve society.And receiving the award in the business category was Mr Lloyd Austin who committed to continuing his efforts to positively impact the society through Austin Book Services, which began its operations in 1992. However, in recent years the store has been facing the ever-challenging issue of piracy.It was highlighted yesterday that legitimate importers and overseas publishers have for years been battling the multi-million-dollar pirating of textbooks, which allows for copies of texts to be sold atconsiderably lower prices. The increased production of copied texts has made the marketing of published texts a particularly risky business.Notwithstanding the potentially crippling effects of piracy, the book store’s doors have remained open, but others have been forced to close. And it was revealed that though Austin’s in recent years has scaled down its operations, it has not and will not succumb to the level of piracy.Austin, a teacher by profession, has over the years remained vociferous about the infringement of intellectual property and copyright legislation in Guyana; stating that it needs to be modernised and even moreso enforced, as copyright infringement is tantamount to stealing.According to Austin, “to encourage literacy, the bookstores themselves need to be supported…There were times when we were bombarded by people making these pirated books…they said look you’re going to close if you don’t start selling some of our books. “But Austin emphasized to the gathering that it was never, and will never,Danny DeKeyser Red Wings Jersey, be his intent to lower the standard of his bookstore by stooping to such a level. As such Austin Book Services was not only rewarded for promoting literacy, but mainly for exhibiting high ethical standards and public values.

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