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發表於 2017-4-14 09:54:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The emergency remedial works being undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works on the crumbling Mosquito Hall/Lancaster,Drew Storen Jersey, Mahaica seawall is 80 percent completed.This announcement was made by the Ministry yesterday which said that staff from the Ministry’s Force Account Unit was scheduled to seal the remaining section by late yesterday afternoon.‘Sandcrete’ bags being filled into cavity by Force Account Unit teamThe Ministry said that the contractor – M&B Construction – hired to rehabilitate a section of the earthen embankment and slope, has begun stockpiling materials [rocks and clay] to begin capping the undermined area.“It is expected that within another two weeks work in that area will be completed.”The Ministry reminded that two major contracts involving the rehabilitation of concrete river defences at Mosquito Hall/Lancaster were executed during the period 2011 to 2012.Those works addressed problematic sections of sea defences which were undermined and frequently overtopped during spring tides.In addition to concrete works, a total of 700m of eroded earthen embankment was rehabilitated and adjacent façade drains constructed for the storage and conveyance of overtopping discharge in order to reinforce the flood defence system.The Ministry said too, that major reconstruction works have also been scheduled for Mosquito Hall/Lancaster under its 2014 Capital Programme for certain critical sections.Designs are currently being finalised for projects involving the reconstruction of river defences in the area which will be advertised for public tendering before the end of the month.The Ministry pointed out that there were no reports of flooding at the Mosquito Hall/Lancaster area during the recent spring tide period.A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Joseph Harmon,Mike Mitchell Steelers Jersey, along with other members of the coalition recently paid a visit to the crumbling seawall at Mosquito Hall,Troy Polamalu Steelers Jersey UK, Mahaica,Julian Edelman Patriots Jersey UK, when news of the breakages surfaced.At the time he had called for an urgent session to be held to allow stakeholders to devise a strategic plan of action.Harmon at the time had said that based on observations,ED Belfour Jersey, there are several sections of the sea defence structure in the locale that are crumbling and need to be urgently addressed.He suggested that should the wall be breached and the coast flooded, it will not be a case of APNU,Jonas Brodin Jersey, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) or Alliance for Change (AFC) supporters being affected,Cheap Jerseys China, “all of us will be affected.”He had also reminded that ever since the budget presentation last year, he had pointed out to the House that the amount of money allocated for emergency works was clearly not enough.At the time of the visit he had suggested that there must be a special session where they can sit down and structure a response to the failing sea defences,Jonathan Drouin Team North America Jersey, while charging that “the Government needs to get away from the mentality that no good suggestions or recommendations could come from the opposition benches.”APNU had called the gaping holes and the crumbling sea wall,Devonta Freeman Falcons Jersey, the result of systemic neglect and a lack of a structured national plan to deal with the nation’s sea and river defences.

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