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發表於 2017-4-14 11:06:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Stanford University Professor and former University of Guyana staff- member,Wholesale Jerseys From China Supply,Prof Rickford delivering his presentationProfessor John R. Rickford recently hosted a seminar on Research and Publications at the University of Guyana’s Berbice Campus.The scholar gave a presentation to several lecturers of the Berbice campuses (Tain and Johns) to enlighten lecturers on conducting educational research and publication.Prof Daizal R. Samad, Director of the Berbice campus noted that lecturers at his campus are actively researching but he believes much more can be done to broaden research capabilities and getting the material to the public.Prof Rickford urged the lecturers at the seminar to “take courses, attend conferences,Wholesale Jerseys, read the latest journals and papers and books…which directly affect the quality and significance of your research”. He gave suggested proportions in terms of percentages that lecturers should be engaged in on a weekly basis, in that “if you work 40 hours a week, 50 per cent research equals about 20 hours per week (of researching)”.Prof Rickford urged the participants to ensure they give enough time to weekly research.“Try to phase your research questions at the highest theoretical and methodological level— the higher and more general the level on which your research is pitched,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the more it is valued and rewarded”, he posited. When the research is finished,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, he noted that the lecturers should “submit first to refereed journals,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, not collections”, and he cautioned them to “be prepared for criticism, revision– use comments to improve and know the relative importance of books versus refereed articles in your field”.The academic also urged the lecturers to take advantage of campus resources (e.g. videotaping,Wholesale Jerseys China, class- polling, and other services) as well as books and newsletters.Students should be used in research, and his research should be made “understandable,Nike NFL Jerseys China,” so that persons in other fields of academia can readily understand the terminologies involved in the research publications.Currently, at UGBC, several lecturers are involved in educational research including Mr. Kemuel Gaffar, who is conducting a research on E- Learning– the use of mobile devices and their influence on mobile learning. Gaffar noted that not much literature is available in the Caribbean on this topic and he is in the process of conducting a survey to find out the ownership and usage of this form of technology.Ms. Pamela Rose, an English lecturer, is currently involved in a research project that deals with the teaching of writing. She is looking at courses offered at UGBC and what other universities are offering and doing and the kinds of support that can lend itself for academic writing.Another lecturer, Dr. Ramesh Kumar recently conducted research and study into the dead fishes on the Corentyne shores. The lecturer and a group of science students were dispatched to the Number 63 Beach where they collected soil, water samples but did not manage to get samples of the fishes since they were already badly decomposed.Preliminary results of the findings found traces of zinc, lead and diminished degrees of oxygen in the water. When completed, the multi- page report would be made available to the public.

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