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Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online Berbice Pensioners’ Association









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發表於 2017-4-15 12:42:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Samuel WhyteUnited States Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt, on Monday, visited a number of community development projects underway in East Berbice. The visit to the region was organized by one of Guyana’s leading None Governmental Organizations (NGO) based in Berbice,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, the St. Francis Community Developers,NFL Jerseys Supply, and its collaborating partners.During the tour, the Ambassador expressed admiration at the number of activities being coordinated by the SFCD and its collaborating partners, some of which are a number of smaller NGOs. President/ founder is Alex Foster.The SFCD is leading the way in setting up, organizing and collaborating with NGOs to help fight poverty and community underdevelopment through a number of initiatives.The ambassador first met with groups from The New Amsterdam/ Canje/East Bank Berbice areas — about 18 NGOs. There were representatives from The Brick Layers group of New Amsterdam,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, The New Amsterdam Lions Club, Edinburg Community Group,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, Light Town Seventh day Adventist church, the Berbice disabled People’s network, Revival Awareness and Perpetuation of African Culture (RAPAC),NFL Jerseys Outlet, Berbice Pensioners’ Association,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, Berbice Cancer Society, Youths making a change group,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Methodist Church and the Guyana prison Service.The meeting took place at the All Saints Presbyterian Development Centre at Princess Elizabeth and Vryheid road in New Amsterdam.The Ambassador paid keen attention to the events and even interacted with some of the representatives. He and his team took the opportunity to explain what their respective groups are doing and sought further assistance from the US Government.Ambassador Hardt said that his Government will see how it can work with the various groups “We will look for opportunities to support. And whenever the opportunity arises we will be there to support.The New Amsterdam prison was presented with a 25-inch Television Set and six straight stitch sewing machines compliments of the Food for the Poor Organization (FFP) which was represented by Its Senior Project manager Ms Andrea Benjamin and Mr. Foster who is its Berbice representative.Also in attendance were the Mayor of New Amsterdam,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, Claude Henry, and Regional Vice Chairman Bhopaul Jagroop.

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