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發表於 2017-4-15 15:06:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Dale Andrews As the attrition rate in the Guyana Police Force widens,Jamie Benn Jersey, the organisation has recorded a significantly higher percentage of women than men in the recruitment drive for last year.This newspaper was reliably informed that the force recruited 218 persons last year, of which a whopping 150 were females.While the situation has allowed for the release of more male ranks to perform patrol duties, it is worrying, since the force is already short of men to effectively contribute to its rapid response initiative.Most of the females recruited have been deployed to boost up the force’s office staff.“Frontline policing requires men, and we are working with what we have,Antoine Roussel Jersey,” a senior police officer told this newspaper.However, since the commencement of the new year, the force has recruited 39 persons so far, of which only seven are women. This is compared with 13 persons recruited for the same period last year.“In most cases, the women who are joining the force now are single parents looking for employment,Bryan Bickell Jersey,” the officer pointed out.Senior Training Officer, retired Assistant Commissioner Clinton Conway, disclosed that despite the slow rate of recruitment and the low wages, the force has been attracting persons with good qualifications.“Only last week we had a man with nine CXC subjects coming to join the force,Brian Sutter Jersey,” Conway told this newspaper.He explained that the force has a walk-in interviewing process from Monday to Friday, where anyone can come in and write the entrance examination to become a member of the force,David Savard Jersey, instead of waiting until an organised recruitment drive is in place.This newspaper understands that more persons are leaving the force than those who are entering, a situation that is worrying, given the shortage currently being experienced by the organization.Meanwhile,Patrick Sharp Jersey, training of ranks to enable them to respond to situations that require armed police presence is ongoing.Following the Lusignan and Bartica massacres last year,Brandon Saad Team North America Jersey, Police Commissioner Henry Greene had indicated that he desires more ranks trained in tactical services at every station in the country, to enable the police to respond to any situation.Since then, a number of ranks, including women,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, were trained by the Tactical Services Unit.In fact, it was disclosed that all the ranks on patrol units have tactical services’ training.Another senior police official disclosed that several ranks who were trained by a British team of trainers have been deployed to all police divisions throughout the country.The officer stated that this might be responsible for the reduction in criminal activities in the country within the past six months.“The team that went on the Cromarty Foreshore operation last year, in which James Gibson and two others were killed,Jaden Schwartz Jersey, was from the special unit that was trained by the British,” the officer told this newspaper.However, despite deployment of these ranks to the various police divisions, some divisions are woefully short of staff for patrol duties.

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