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發表於 2017-4-16 19:48:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Prison officials awaiting report from Police – ErskineDirector of Prisons,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, Dale Erskine,Brett Favre Packers Jersey, has said that the prison authorities are awaiting a report from the Guyana Police Force on the two attacks on John Blanchard who is currently on remand for the murder of his three children.When contacted recently Erskine said the investigation is currently ongoing and noted that based on the findings, necessary action will be taken against those who are found culpable.Two Fridays ago Blanchard was attacked and beaten by inmates of the Camp Street Prison. There are reports that the man was also sodomized. This,Jack Butler Steelers Jersey, however, has been refuted by Prison officials.The man who allegedly killed his three children was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital and sent away. However upon his return to the facility on Saturday night the man was attacked and beaten again. According to reports it was only after the second attack by inmates that prison officials found it fit to place the man in isolation.Some two weeks ago Blanchard went berserk and hacked his three children,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey, Daniel,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey, Belica and Joy,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey, while they were sleeping at their Soesdyke home. Belica and Daniel reportedly died almost instantly while Joy succumbed to her wounds a few days later while she was being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.Blanchard has since only been charged for the murder of Balica and Daniel. A source close to the investigation said that Blanchard is expected to be charged for the murder of the third child,Taylor Gabriel Falcons Jersey, Joy Blanchard on November 1 when he will make his next appearance in court.The three children were laid to rest on Thursday last after a very emotional sermon at the Soesdyke Nazarene Church.Meanwhile,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, as it relates to the investigation into the two attacks in the prison,Matt Ryan Falcons Jersey, a source close to the Blanchard investigation has stated that no official report on the incident has been submitted to the Guyana Police Force.

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