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Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply 400 feet of anchor chain has already been delivered









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發表於 2017-4-17 11:27:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited (CBCSL) has delivered 25 completed deck plates for immediate use on the Demerara Harbour Bridge.The plates delivered yesterday are the first of a total of 2000 plates that will be constructed and delivered to the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation (DHBC) over the next four months.CBCSL was awarded a $650 million contract by Central Government to provide 2000 deck plates and critical spares for the Demerara Harbour Bridge.The deck plates represent about 25 per cent of the riding surface of the bridge. In addition to the deck plates, CBCSL is also providing 12,200 feet of anchor chain and continuing the construction and maintenance of the flotation units.About 1,400 feet of anchor chain has already been delivered, as well as three pontoons. Another is nearing completion.DHBC General Manager Rawlston Adams,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, who examined the components under construction at CBCSL before formally taking delivery of the first set of deck plates,NFL Jerseys Outlet, said, “These new plates will considerably improve the riding surface of the bridge, making it safer and more reliable for commuters’ use”.Adams added that,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “The new deck plates will be installed immediately”. The installation will be carried out during retraction and low traffic periods, so as to avoid traffic disruption and inconvenience to commuters.Adams added that the DHBC has moved from reactive maintenance mode to a preventative maintenance mode, and with the current programme that extends into next year,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, including the changing of the pontoons, buoys,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, anchor chains,NFL Jerseys Supply, connecting posts, and now the deck plates,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China, the life of the Demerara Harbour Bridge will be extended by another 10 years.CBCSL Managing Director Courtney Benn said that his company is proud to continue to fabricate and supply components for the Demerara Harbour Bridge.According to Benn, CBCSL had previously supplied components to the Demerara Harbour Bridge,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, and these components have performed well.He added, “The Harbour Bridge is an important part of our transportation infrastructure, and CBCSL remains committed to fabricating components to highest standards for its continued performance.”CBCSL previously constructed and delivered pontoons and other components that are now in service on the bridge. All components constructed by CBCSL are built to meet the design and specifications of the original components supplied by Damen Shipyards of Holland.

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