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發表於 2016-10-15 05:56:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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We haven't talked much about All-Pro wide receiver Andre Johnson this offseason when we've been discussing the exciting,Adidas Dames Sneakers Zx Flux, new-look Titans. But maybe we should.    Johnson,Nike Roshe Run Baratas Espa?a, 35, has played in 26 snaps so far over two preseason games but behind the scenes, he's doing something pretty remarkable and eschewing almost all the veteran day off opportunities afforded to him by coach Mike Mularkey.        I have seen him every day, Mularkey told the team's official website. I can promise you,Adidas Superstar Baratas Espa?a, in the last five years he hasn't practiced every day in training camp like he has here,Adidas Originals Uk Shop, and he hasn't blinked.    I told him: 'It's up to you. It's your body,Asics Australia Factory Outlet, you know it better than I do.' And he's been very (competitive). He doesn't have to do anything more for me to know he can play.    This feels significant -- there is an easy way to tell the difference between a veteran invested in emptying everything he has left in the tank and one hanging around for one last paycheck. After a dismal showing in Indianapolis, Johnson's career was presumed dead. This is one way to show everyone they were wrong.    I am feeling pretty good, Johnson said. As far as days practicing,Nike Free Dame Sort Tilbud, this is the most consecutive days I have practiced in a few years. My body is feeling good. I am just doing what I need to do to be ready for opening day.    Maybe it doesn't amount to anything near Johnson's 109-catch,Nike Free Flyknit Aanbieding, 1,407-yards receiving season he put up with the Texans just three years ago. Maybe it's not close to the 85-catch,Adidas Zx Flux Saldi, 936-yard season which capped off his career with the Texans. But there is no doubt that Johnson is working to keep himself atop the active receiving yards leader list.    Perhaps significant in Johnson's mind, too, is how close he is to vaulting into the top five in all-time receiving yards. Johnson is just 245 yards behind Reggie Wayne in eighth place and fewer than 900 yards behind Tim Brown, who is currently in sixth place with 14,Nike Air Jordans Uk,934 yards.

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