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NFL Jerseys Outlet seeking damages in excess of $100









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發表於 2017-4-17 19:28:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Owner of Isaaac Computer Electronics,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Anthony Sarjoo,Wholesale Jerseys China, has moved to the High Court against acting executive director of the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) Evadnie Enniss,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, seeking damages in excess of $100,000 for “libel content written by her” and published in this newspaper.Enniss’s letter was written in response to an article published in Kaieteur News (KN) headlined “Businessman feels harassed by GNBS.”KN’s article stated that Sarjoo felt as if the entity dealt with him badly when placing “on hold” signs on his cell phones because he refused to tag them refurbished.According to Sarjoo, he saw no need to tag his phones refurbished,Wholesale Jerseys From China, because the invoice presented upon receipt of the phones stated “…condition: New”Nevertheless, two representatives from GNBS accompanied by three police ranks,Wholesale Jerseys, according to Sarjoo, “barged” into his store and placed the signs.This newspaper understands that this was as a result of an issue taken to the government entity by a customer who purchased her phone and soon after noticed certain malfunctions.In her letter to the Editor of this newspaper,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Enniss stated that she “…categorically refutes the spurious claims of harassment made… since the facts differ from what actually transpired.”She said that the mandate of the GNBS is to ensure that commodities imported and offered for sale are in compliance with established national standards and “not to harass stakeholders.”The letter further stated that “…it was discovered that these phones (those sold by Sarjoo) were refurbished and not new. This was verified by an independent certified technician in the presence of Mr. Sarjoo’s technician”.“Recognizing the phones were refurbished; the company was informed and advised to label same as refurbished…GNBS visited Mr. Sarjoo’s business premises in the company of three police officers since he previously obstructed GNBS Inspectors from entering his premises and executing their duties.The presence of the police officers was merely to allow GNBS Inspectors to carry out their functions as is mandated by the GNBS Standards Act,Wholesale Jerseys From China Supply, as a result of the actions taken by the GNBS to place the refurbished phones on hold due to the absence of relevant labels…”The letter also stated that “the GNBS wishes to inform the public that Mr. Sarjoo was not issued with a permit to sell cellular phones, hence, the phones sold at this outlet have been placed ‘On Hold’ pending the affixing of the correct labels to guide consumers accordingly”.Contacted yesterday, Enniss said that she will stand by her position taken in the letter.

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