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發表於 2017-4-18 04:48:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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It has been over a month since vendors聽 relocated from Stabroek Market Square to the Stelling View area聽 have been complaining about the deplorable state of the pathways in their new location.The relocated vendors,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, who are fully aware that the 鈥渄onkey city鈥� market has an unsuccessful track record,Davante Adams Packers Jersey, have said that they believed that they can be successful there.The Clerk of Markets,Ra Shede Hageman Falcons Jersey, Schuler Griffith,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey, was positive as well and he stated that with proper advertising of the market and positive displays of the market by the media, Stelling View would be successful.However the vendors are still being hampered by the inadequate pathways. Some have completed their stalls and want to transport their goods so they can begin business.Secondly,Reggie White Packers Jersey, when the rain falls, water accumulates in the pathways and this can be discouraging to potential buyers.The relocated vendors were given a deadline of March 2 to complete building their stalls,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey, which were specified by the city council to be concrete.However, there wasn鈥檛 any deadline for the rehabilitation works but it was proposed to be completed or at least begun by now since the market is to have its grand opening month end. A committee that the market had formed was in a meeting with Mr. Griffith before this deadline and an extension was rightfully handed to them.The present condition of the Stelling View Market pathwayYesterday,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, Kaieteur News observed numerous pot holes and planks that were used as substitute paths. Grass was even observed thriving in these somewhat suitable conditions for vegetation.According to the Clerk of Markets,Irving Fryar Patriots Jersey, Mr. Griffith,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey, the market is to have its grand opening on March month end and two weeks before March 30 works are yet to get underway in rehabilitating the market pathways.One vendor had said that the Government should have put in place alternatives before moving them from their former market area.

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