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發表於 2017-4-18 13:31:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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In a few days,Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey, the Guyana Bar Association (GBA) will begin circulating ‘The Guyana Bar News’,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, the official newsletter of the association.President of the Bar Association, Teni Housty, told Kaieteur News that it is currently in draft and should be out by the end of the week.According to him, he sees the newsletter as his contribution to the profession and also a way of building internal capacity and keeping members of the profession as well as society informed about what is happening in the profession.Housty added that from time to time they will highlight legislation that would have emerged from Parliament and decisions out of the courts.In addition, the newsletter will deal with the burning issues of law reform,New England Patriots Jerseys, justice sector reform, and will focus on the history and traditions of the bar.Also, Housty said, he has looked at the mandate of the bar and whether in the 28-year history since the mandate was published in 1980,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey, there is the need to take a look at what the bar association does and whether there is need to refine those objectives in light of the changing circumstances that exist.“There is a part that deals with reviewing the mandate of the bar so that the original mandate is set out and I described it as food for thought on whether and what aspects of it we need to revisit.”Housty also said that if the members of the profession wish,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, they will also try to hold a law conference based on the views of the profession, on the topics they want to explore.The newsletter, he noted,Davante Adams Packers Jersey, will either be monthly or bimonthly,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey, but the intention is to have a monthly publication.Among other activities that the Bar intends to engage in is to continuously monitor the human rights and the rule of law issues that develop in society.“We will continue to participate in the legislative process,” Housty stated.He added that the Bar has provided comments on the Time Limit for Judicial Decisions Bill, the Proposed Amendments to the Legal Practitioners Act,Julius Peppers Packers Jersey, the Amendments to the Criminal Law Offences Act, which includes discretionary sentence where death is concerned as a penalty of murder.“One of the things that we also aim to do is to do more public education on issues that may be of interest to the public,John Stallworth Steelers Jersey, and of concern. I think as a profession we owe that duty to raise the veil that surrounds our profession.”He opined that the newsletter is one way of doing this.

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