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發表於 2017-4-18 13:52:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyanese from all walks of life turned out in numbers to pledge support for Brigadier (Ret’d) David Granger who is visiting New York and New Jersey days to drum up support for his candidacy for Presidential candidate of the People’s National Congress Reform.The visit was co-ordinated by a team comprising Aubrey Retemyer,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, Nigel Pile, Esme Griffith, Bonita Primo,Jerseys NFL Wholesale China Online, Michael Campbell,wholeslae cheap nfl jerseys china, Errol Lewis, Morris Wilson, Anita Hicks and Edgar Henry. The group was ably assisted by ex-military officers of Guyana who are living in the tri-state area.Aubrey Retemyer said that the support for Granger is due to the fact that most Guyanese in the diaspora, especially the ex-military servicemen are convinced that David Granger is best suited for the job.“He brings to the table the qualities of a scholar, high integrity,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, organisational experience, leadership,cheap nfl jerseys, courage, commitment, concern for the plight of the poor and a genuine love for our country.”The group is also certain that Brigadier Granger has the capacity to unify both party and country.In his usual humble manner,Danny DeKeyser Red Wings Jersey, David Granger thanked all those who attended and pledged to support him.  In response to some concerns, Granger said that he would not be interested in vendettas and cannot look through ethnic lenses but would indeed be interested in justice.He mentioned that he would set up a Commission of Enquiry into the killings which occurred between 2002 and 2008. Granger also promised to make Guyana an equitable society and would,wholesale jerseys, among other things, promote education at all levels.Also adding support for Granger was a group of persons who hail from the North West Region who are  very concerned about their homeland.One senior citizen in reference to the state of affairs in Guyana now, said that she has to quote from Shakespeare – “three score and ten, within the volume of which time I have seen, hours dreadful and things strange; but this sore night hath trifled former knowings”.

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