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s Interim Chief Executive Officer









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發表於 2017-4-20 16:24:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As Guyana readies for new laws that will open the telecommunications market to new players,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, one company appears to be already preparing itself for an increase in competition.Yesterday, the company formerly known as GT&T (Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company) unveiled its new look,NFL Jerseys Cheap, dropping the traditional ampersand (&) and adding a plus sign to its logo.Speaking at the launch of the new logo yesterday at Herdmanston Lodge, Queenstown,Nike NFL Jerseys China, GTT’s Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Justin Nedd,Cheap NFL Jerseys, said that the company will also be launching its new look stores within month; expanding its wireless internet coverage in rural areas; introduce streaming devices, and even allowing customers to check accounts online.It is all part of the company’s plans to take its services to another level.But GTT’s hands remain tied with regards to the rollout of its Fourth Generation (4G) services.The 4G network, in essence, allows for smart-phones to utilize its features based on high speed services.GTT has been saying that its rollout of 4G and other critical services has been hampered as its request to authorities for spectrum (frequencies) which has not been granted. Internet speeds to smart phones have been irking customers.Parliament is set to very shortly consider legislations that will liberalize the telecommunications market that will see spectrums being allocated.According to the executive,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the logo change and its promise to “Do More” would a major development in GTT’s 24 history in Guyana.With 400,000-plus customers being offered services like mobile,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, landline, internet and wireline, Nedd boasted that it is unlikely there is any other company in Guyana like GTT.He admitted that as customers have been demanding more, with little tolerance for poor quality service, an area that GTT is placing heavy focus on. The new branding would signal a change of wanting to do more.Already, GTT has changed its signages at its city offices.In the coming months,NFL Jerseys China, the telephone company is planning to introduce devices and other services that will allow customers to experience streaming. These include Netflix,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Hulu and even Roku and Chromecast.GTT was upbeat about business yesterday, disclosing that it is signing up thousands of customers each month for its DSL services.More than 100,000 calls have been coming through its Customer Care each month.“This is not just a new look for our company.  It’s a new vision and the birth of a new mindset that will be nurtured and given time to blossom.  We have had an unbelievable year of adding products and services that help our customers and partners do more in their personal and business lives.“We will steadfastly add improvements and enhancements to all areas of our business.We have diligently listened to your concerns and though we do not control all the variables, we believe that you will continue to be pleased with our improvements. I would like to be very clear about this: GTT has a commitment to help Guyana do and be more. We will honour that commitment.”

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