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Hindus around the world will observe Maha Shivraatri today (Tuesday March 17, 2015) as the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha encourages all Hindus to observe this day with faith and devotion and to attend their mandirs and pray that Bhagawan Shiva will shower his blessings on all.Maha Shivraatri is observed each year on Chaturdasi in the dark half of the Hindu month of Phalgun.Shivratri is not Shiva’s birthday as some may believe,Patric Hornqvist Penguins Jersey, it is the night specially consecrated for his worship.  The important features of this religious function are rigid fasting for 24 hours and vigil during the night.  The worship of Lord Shiva consists of flowers,Marcus Johansson Capitals Jersey, bael leave and other offerings on the Shiva Lingam.  Ling in Sanskritik means mark.  It is the symbol which points to an inference.  When you see smoke you infer there is fire.  When you look at the Ling your mind is at once elevated and you begin to think of the Lord.According to the Sabha,Alex Delvecchio Red Wings Jersey, Shiva is both Sagun and Nirgun.  Those two words mean form and formless. Simply put, he can be meditated upon as the all-pervasive force,Vincent Lecavalier Lightning Jersey, god almighty,Oscar Lindberg Rangers Jersey, without knowledge of any image of him or an image itself.  This perception gives a wide scope for worshipping Shiva and provides innumerable modes through which he can be reached.  Consequently,Matt Cullen Penguins Jersey, the evolved yogi will retreat in deep contemplation from the early hour of Shivratri and remain in incessant dhyaan on both Triodasi and Chaturdasi.  Other devotees will take part in akhand – unbroken recital of Om NamahShivaya,Gustav Nyquist Red Wings Jersey, while a high percentage will invoke His Sagunroop and do puja before Shiva’s murti and yet an equally large number will offer arghya or dhaar to the Shiva Lingam.  All these formulaes done with deep affection and sincerity will yield equal results.“Hinduism says that which is negative must first crumble before the positive, in which there is the full opportunity of human expression and satisfaction can be established. Maha Shivaratri is probably the deepest spiritual occasion on the Hindu calendar. Maha Shivratri,Petr Mrazek Red Wings Jersey, according to the Maha Shiv Puran, was decreed by Lord Shiva himself. It is seen as a day for divesting oneself of all negative tendencies and worshipping Shiva for the removal of impediments to a blissful life.It is my hope that Hindus throughout the country will be given time from work and studies to attend their mandirs on this very auspicious and sacred day to engage in moments of devotion and prayer. You are invited to join Pandit JagmohanPersaud for special MahaShivratriSatsangh at the Dharmic Rama Krishna Mandir,Jeff Zatkoff Penguins Jersey, Barr St. Kitty at 5:30pm and Shri Krishna Mandir, Campbellville at 7:00pm.” The Sabha noted.

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