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發表於 2017-4-24 10:49:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A soca therapy session administered by ‘Dr. Machel Montano’ and his High Definition band at the stadium on Saturday night,NFL Jerseys Cheap, has certainly erased any doubt that he loves Guyana as a performing stage.There was hardly a person with dry clothing on Sunday morning when “the one time” too young to soca artiste concluded his performance at the Jamzone Summer Break Weekend. This came after several years of shows void of the artiste.Machel Montano entertains the crowd at the National Stadium. Some commendable Guyanese acts raised the curtain with a mixed bag of music ranging from dance hall,Custom Orlando Magic Jersey, to hip hop,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, to Soca that reached crescendo with Guyana’s rubber waist Jomo Primo dishing out some of X2 hot hits including the energetic  ‘crazy’ soca song.During his performance Jomo proved why he’s among the few Guyanese acts with mad international entertainment abilities with a bias mainly for the ladies. He caused mad frenzy vocally and with his every gyration and instruction they screamed in wild abandon.By the end of his steamy high energy performance he was topless and dripping and so were some of the local fans.  But this was a set up for the show stopper of the night: Machel Montano.The mere mention of his name sent a contagious fever that saw the already packed VIP area being invaded by Machel crazy fans who simply wanted to come closer.It couldn’t have been something in the drinks because the variety represented every beverage company on the local shores and they were all well supported. And it certainly could not have been the temperature in the Providence stadium because that location is an open air venue.Machel with help from Patrice Roberts,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Farmer Nappy and one other artiste caused a soca tornado that caused even those with inhibitions to lose their selves.Jomo Performs at his best to entice the crowd. They dished out hit after hit and his dancers added to the party mood too. The crowd numbering in the tens of thousands certainly had a good time void of any incidents. Some people saw it fit to steal wine here and there without rejection in most cases.Then came the ‘toro toro’ charge that heated up the stadium. “A grade,Jerseys NFL Cheap, A grade and A grade” is the verdict from the tens of thousands of Guyanese who flocked the Providence stadium for the Inaugural Jamzone Summer Break Weekend soca show.Guyanese soca lovers have concluded that the long overdue wait for Soca king Machel Montano was certainly made up for on Saturday night into Sunday morning at the national stadium. There was not one person with dry clothing at the end of the inaugural Jamzone Summer Break weekend. Neither were there any notable complaints.He also made a promise to the fans that if they chanted hard enough he would be back for Mashramani 2010. And they certainly did.

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